population. sure, people say they come and they leave, but if every day a new group comes, you can clearly say they're here all the time. we don't have water, sewer, we don't have the infrastructure for any of that, and they're just a pain in the neck, to put it mildly. now, there are natural attractions such as hiking trails; mt. st. helena is very beautiful. they are the nice places where you can go and hike and learn more about nature. that's all fine and dandy, but (cid:885)(cid:882),(cid:882)(cid:882)(cid:882) [tourists] a day is too much for my personal taste. the bicycle tourism is, in many ways, the worst, and i'll tell you why. they don't buy, ever, because they can't take anything with them, and they don't come into the winery. first of all, look how they are dressed. secondly, they are smelly. [laughs] well, they are. i can imagine a guy who climbed (cid:884),(cid:882)(cid:882)(cid:882) feet with this bicycle walking into your tasting room, and everybody else takes off. i'm exaggerating only slightly, plus our highways are clogged with bicycles and it's dangerous at times. then we get the hotels because we want to have "quality" businessmen stay. so you look at hotels. the hotel produces, what do you call it, tot [transient occupancy tax].(cid:884)(cid:884) that's true, and it's a nice amount of money, but hotels also produce an inordinate amount of low income jobs. where do these people live, in what houses? where do the children of these people go to school? how do the social services take care of these families? if a typical middle‐class family that buys a house in napa in the current market for, say, half a million dollars, isn't producing enough revenue to pay for the services they are getting from the city, how is a low income family where people clean hotel rooms paying for the services they're getting? of course they can't, not in a million years. now the cities and the county get around this very elegantly. a few years ago, we had a huge controversy here in the county, and we were fighting against the largest development project proposed for several decades, called the montalcino resort in the southern end of the county, with hundreds and hundreds of rooms. the proponents and the supervisors who were for it, they would say we would get, i forget the numbers, it doesn't matter, so many millions in tot tax. we're going to do this and this and this. nobody looked at the cost that would be generated for the napa county school district, because the school district's budget is not part of the county's budget. nobody sees that budget. so, if no children come to school – and we have seen that in the city of st. helena – or when two children come into school, that's no big deal. if ten children go into a school, no big deal. if (cid:884)(cid:882)(cid:882) go into the school, and this happens twice in a row, there's an issue on the ballot that makes everybody pay for a new school. the developer doesn't pay for this, but the taxpayer – that is the real cost that nobody pays attention to. when you look at the social welfare budget…for the department [napa county health and human services] that randy snowden(cid:884)(cid:885) runs for the county, it's gigantic. it is mostly done with money from washington and sacramento. now, money from washington and sacramento, where does it come from occasionally? from you and me. that isn't printed in any other place, and then miraculously dropped on california. no, it's california money, and they work on the budgets in the state and in washington and they send it back in the form of grants. so it's tax money all the way. when you have proper cost accounting, then you will find there is very little advantage in having tourism. now, the people who truly make money are the people who can, you might say, insulate their profits – the b&b's, the restaurants, maybe some smaller hotels. they get their profits from the tourists and that's fine, and you and i get the cost. that is the real issue. if anybody wants to challenge that, they should go to the mediterranean basin in europe and look at spain and italy and the former yugoslavia and turkey and greece, and see the destruction of nature, see the spoiled beaches, see the current economic situation in 122