THE BLENDED LEARNING COURSE UNIT 2: Communicang effecvely SELF-STUDY SECTION 1 VIDEO INTRODUCTION Core message: Setbacks in life are un- avoidable, so being paent and being prepared for the unexpected can be Important. Everyone speaks English in some way today, but differ- ent ideas of what is polite can be a hidden reason for misunderstandings and bad feelings. Being paent is “extremely important”. “The boVom line for learn- ers is to understand themselves beVer.” Karin [German]: What employers expect today are ‘personalies’, i.e. individuals who are willing to get out of their ’comfort zone’. Gabriel [Brish]: English is spoken almost everywhere, but the way different people speak it can be hard to get used to. Gill [English]: She worked for BMW during their merger with Rover and was impressed how seri- ous they took cultural issues. Today she knows how important good preparaon can be for effecve internaonal coopera- on . INTERVIEWS: What does it take to suc- ceed today? 2 EXERCISE Self-Test Listening Understanding 3 VIDEO & AUDIO Case study: The BMW-Rover merger 4 EXERCISE Reasons for failure Connect with class- room acvies Input: Politeness slides 2.00 b Worksheets 2.10, 2.12, 2.15 & 2.16 Input: Internaonal English: Worksheets 2.21 a&b Videos CNN & CCTV Worksheets 2.18 a&b, 2.19, 2.20a, 2.22, 2.23 Discussion of video & Sunday Times arcle (Worksheet 2.1 b self-study) & Sunday Times arcle (Worksheet 2.1 b self-study) INPUT Language & cultural concepts Politeness = relaonship- building: The essence of intercultural competence 2.28a Boardgame 5 EXERCISE Make these comments more diplomac 6 VIDEO SUMMARY © elc - European Language Competence Check homework (self-study)