implemented metropolitan area of SCT, measured by the European Air Quality Network in the Canary Islands. We performed a Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between the number of visits per day in the SNU-PAC due to migraine and the concentration of particulate and gaseous pollutants in the last 7 days. Results: Average concentration of SO2, PM10, PM25, O3, NO2 observed 0 to 7 days before the visit to SNU- PAC was not significantly associated with the number of visits to Primary Care emergency services. Conclusion: We did not find a relation between the exposure to environmental pollutants and the number of visits to Primary Care emergency services due to migraine attacks. P054 Nationwide migraine trends in Italy: a study of demographic, social, and clinical insights from the I- GRAINE registry G. Egeo1, C. Aurilia1, B. Orlando1, G. Fiorentini1, A. Doretti2, R. Messina2, F. d'Onofrio3, C. Finocchi4, L. Di Clemente5, M. Zucco5, M. Autunno6, A. Ranieri7, A. Carnevale8, B. Colombo9, M. Filippi9, S. Rinalduzzi10, F. Zoroddu11, C. Camarda12, F. Pistoia13, P. Torelli14, L. Borrello15, G. Querzola16, F. Frediani16, G. Viticchi17, C. Tomino18, S. Bonassi19, P. Barbanti20 1IRCCS San Raffaele, Headache and Pain Unit, Rome, Italy 2Istituto Auxologico Italiano, IRCCS, Department of Neurology-Stroke Unit, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Milano, Italy 3San Giuseppe Moscati Hospital, Neurology Unit, Avellino, Italy 4San Paolo Hospital, ASL 2, Neurology Unit, Savona, Italy 5San Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Headache Centre, Rome, Italy 6University of Messina, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Messina, Italy 7AORN A. Cardarelli, Neurology Unit and Stroke-Unit, Naples, Italy 8San Filippo Neri Hospital, Headache Centre, Rome, Italy 9Scientific Institute San Raffaele Hospital, Vita-Salute University, Headache Unit, Milano, Italy 10S. Camillo de Lellis Hospital, Headache Centre, Rieti, Italy 11University of Sassari, Pediatric Headache Center, Neurology Unit, Sassari, Italy 12University of Palermo, Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences, and Advanced Diagnostics, Palermo, Italy 13University of L'Aquila, Neurology and Stroke Unit, L'Aquila, Italy 14University of Parma, Neurology Unit, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Headache Center, Parma, Italy 15Frosinone Hospital, Headache Center, Frosinone, Italy 16ASST Santi Paolo Carlo, Headache Center, Milano, Italy 17Marche Polytechnic University of Ancona,, Neurological Clinic, Ancona, Italy 18IRCCS San Raffaele Rome, Scientific Direction, Rome, Italy 19IRCCS San Raffaele Rome, Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology, Rome, Italy 20IRCCS San Raffaele Rome, Headache and Pain Unit, Rome, Italy Information on Objective: The Italian Migraine Registry (I-GRAINE) provides comprehensive migraine data to support effective clinical and therapeutic management of the disease, based on scientific and sustainability criteria. Methods: I-GRAINE is a strategic, nationwide, multi- centre (n=38), prospective, observational study on consecutive subjects with episodic or chronic migraine, selected using a systematic random method. socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle, migraine features, patient journey, and healthcare resources was gathered using face-to-face interviews with a shared web-based questionnaire. Results: As of 31 December 2023, 1524 patients had been enrolled (female 85.4%, mean age 46 yrs, >13 education years 86.2%, married 52%). Mean monthly migraine frequency was 9.6 days, MIDAS 48.6 and HIT- 6 61.4. Commonly reported symptoms included osmophobia (41%), unilateral cranial autonomic symptoms (24.8%), cephalalgiophobia (32.2%), and vertigo (15.6%). Only 37.0% had previously visited a headache center. Response rates were higher for to triptans (72%) compared to analgesics (42.4%-64.4%), and for anti- CGRP monoclonal antibodies (82% -84.1%) compared to traditional prophylaxis (32.5%-41.5%). Over the past 3 years, 61.2% of patients had specialist visits for migraine (6.3 visits per patient), and 64.8% underwent more than one diagnostic procedure (brain MRI: 86.2%). Many visits (43.1%) and investigations (MRI: 76.5%) were subsidized by the national health system. Conclusion: Migraine symptoms not in current diagnostic criteria are often referred by patients upon specific request. Specific and selective acute and preventive treatments are more effective than traditional ones. Many visits and diagnostic investigation indicating inefficiencies and overuse of healthcare resources due to misdiagnosis, lack of adherence to guidelines, or overcautious approaches by healthcare providers. inappropriate, allodynia (29.6%), are included