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Sports Oct. 30, 20155 The Thunderbeat Find out more at Visit our Crete campus. Attend Doane. Get $1,000 a year. College of it pays to visit. KORTNEY BURESH REPORTER Five Questions with Codi: Special Edition @FauxCoachWoodard CODI PIERCE BUSINESS MANAGER Some of us are aware of the infamous twitter account, @Faux- CoachWoodar. Display- ing the comical side of dean Doug Woodard, the twitter account has 262 followers. Followers often find the account hitting the team Bellevue West is facing that week, with a friendly diss tweet, or raving about Swine Dining, banana pudding or “Cujo and Co.” I had a chance to talk to @Faux- CoachWoodar for a quick Q and A. Who are you? FauxCoachWoodard Where do you live? Bellevue West school boundary, why do you ask? (now that is funny) What’s your favorite breakfast food? I really love a nice bowl of steel cut oatmeal with a raisin, but I have been eating a lot of pancakes lately. I know a few spe- cialty cake chefs (Cujo and Co) that do great work. Along with pump- kins--it’s prime pancake season and there are plenty to go around. They even come in dif- ferent shapes and sizes depending on the weekly special. What’s your favorite consequence to give your basketball play- ers? Swine Dining to-go. How many three point shots do you shoot a day? 555,555,000. Who’s your favorite basketball team? Bellevue West Thunder- birds. Who’s your favorite football team? Bellevue West Thunder- birds. What’s your favorite part of Bell West? Mid November,when basketball practice starts. Who would you com- pare Jaylin Bradley to? William Wallace of Brave- heart, only angrier. Who would you com- pare Tyler Ciurej to? Bruce Banner, very nice, but you don’t want to make him mad. Who serves better pan- cakes? IHOP, Village Inn, or Cujo & Co.? I have applied to be the Cujo & Co. spokesman. Who’s your all-time most favorite basket- ball player? Tie between Pete Marav- ich and Josh Dotzler. What are you going to be for Halloween? Coach Klein. How many points will Bell West football win state by? Depends on if Coach Huffman gets bored of calling TD’s. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not being a dean? At my age it is getting more and more difficult to jump out of airplanes, be a great MMA fighter, or even get out of bed in the morning. However, I often find solace in tak- ing a nice nap or four during the afternoon. Is ball really life? Yes. What do you do all day in your office? Well, Judge Judy comes on at 8 a.m. followed by my all time favorite show “Get Smart.” Then, Mr. Graner and I usually play checkers until lunch time. He beat me yesterday for the first time in four years, but I let him win. After a short nap and a nice lunch, I shoot 3 pointers utilizing our wonderful new Dr. Dish. Also, I al- ways try to check in on Coach Huffman to see how many touchdowns the guys are planning to score that week. Who’s the most famous person you’ve met? New BPS school board member Phil Davidson. Can you dunk? Only donuts. I think you should grow your hair back out. 100% agree. Please tell my wife that. We know you like bas- ketball even more than BBQ, but what is your favorite part about the Bellevue West Football team? I am glad you asked. A lot of favorites there. I’ll start with Coach Huff- man. That guy likes touchdowns as much as I like bounce passes. Then there’s Jadyn (he plays QB for those who don’t know) who throws more TD passes in a game than I take bathroom breaks in a day. Marshawn (Jaylin) Bradley runs like he is mad at a lot of people. Cade, Trystn & Chris look track stars with football pads on. The O line, who is sometimes called “Cujo and Co,” can feed the entire country with pancakes. Kicker Chris has a great leg, but never gets to kick FG’s because coach likes TD’s too much. I could go on, but I think that is more than the 140 character limit. Football players take top 10 Class A statistical leaders Balancing activities: Mallory Huck does it all EMILY WILSON REPORTER The air gets colder, the leaves are transform- ing and for seven tal- ented boys at our school fall means football. Each game for them allows them to get one stat clos- er to staying at the top. Senior kicker Chris Hahn, senior quarterback Jadyn Kowalski, senior de- fensive end Spencer Sid- zyik, senior wide receivers Cade Johnson and Trystn Ducker, junior running back Jaylin Bradley, and junior safety Kevin Ponec are top 10 statistic leaders in Nebraska, Class A. “I didn’t play football my freshman year but then my dad convinced me to go out my sopho- more year,” Johnson said. “I had a good quarterback that made me look good and then I worked from there. I started varsity [in the middle of my] sopho- more season. I just kept up with the other guys.” Johnson holds fourth in scoring and fourth in receiving. “It’s a big accomplish- ment because the whole summer you work, early mornings in the hot sun and it’s stressful in the summertime,” Johnson said. “So it means a lot when the season gets roll- ing around, to know your hard work pays off.” Ducker is ranked first in receiving, second in scoring and third in punt returns. Ducker recently committed to the Univer- sity of South Dakota. “My dad inspires me because he played col- lege football and and he wants me to be bet- ter than what he was,” Ducker said. Sidzyik is ranked first in sacks. “My brother moti- vates me because he’s a really good football player and he tries his hardest at everything he does. He just tries to see me do my best,” Sidzyik said. Kowalski holds num- ber one for yards passed and total yards. “Right now being a top leader for pass- ing yards doesn’t mean anything to me because we’re still in the middle of the season, so things can change,” Kowalski said. “It would be pretty cool to still be where we are at at the end of the season. It doesn’t really mean any- thing to me right now.” Hahn is ranked sixth in scoring, first in kick scoring, first in kickoffs. He is also not only ranked first in points after touch- downs in the state but he is also ranked tenth in the nation. “I put in a lot of work in the off-season,” Hahn said. “I owe it all to my team. They give me the stuff to do it.” Ponec is ranked 10th in tackles. Bradley is ranked first in rushing, third in scoring and ninth in total yards. Michael Huffman, head football coach, ex- plains that he and his staff have been looking forward to this season for three years now. He expects them to be this good because of how they have progressed and committed to the team. “They’ve got some God-given ability,” Huff- man said. “They also have some great work ethics and if you combine those things together with hav- ing so many at the same time makes it so they all can flourish.” Bellevue West football players lead Class A in several statistical categories. L-R: Jadyn Kowalski, Chris Hahn, Trystyn Ducker, Cade Johnson, Spencer Sidzyik, Kevin Ponec Senior Mallory Huck said there hasn’t been any one defining moment in her character throughout high school, but she has still grown. “I guess I’ve just learned a lot and grown a lot my four years of high school,” Huck said. “Especially as my friend groups have changed and I’ve just grown up and become more mature and figured out what I want to do in life.” Huck said her main goal while finishing out high school is to maintain A’s and B’s, and try not to slack off. She plans on attending Nebraska Wesleyan next fall and majoring in dermatology. English teacher Adam Heuretz described Huck as a hard worker. “She’s great,” Heu- retz said. “She wants to make sure she’s involved in the class, and I respect that. I think she’s got a great work ethic. She doesn’t view her limita- tions or anything like that as something to hold her back. She sees those things as challenges, and I think that’s why she’s so successful, both in the classroom and out on the course.” Huck has recently fin- ished off her last season as a T-bird golfer. Her ending season was one of success: she finished ninth at the district golf championships, and shot her best round to qualify for the state tournament, while receiving honor- able mentions. She is also now the second player in West’s history to qualify for three state tourna- ments in a row. Dave Shillinglaw is Huck’s marketing teacher and golf coach. He de- scribed Huck as a bright student and knows school means a lot to her. Both on the team and in the classroom, Huck has stepped up as a lead- er. Shillinglaw said Huck was the oldest on the golf team, and took initiative in communicating to the other players. Huck stays busy with co-curriculars, her job at Scooters, and golf. Some people might struggle to stay on top of their sched- ules, but Shillinglaw said she handles it well. “Mallory brings a calm before the storm kind of attitude to every- thing,” Shillinglaw said. “She doesn’t get very riled up about anything. I’d say one of her greatest accomplishments is her demeanor. She doesn’t let much fluster her ever.” Heuretz said other people feed of of Huck’s positivity. “I just think her pri- orities are right,” Heuretz said. “She’s goal driven, she’s got a good head on her shoulders. I think things are going to fall in place for her real well.” Shillinglaw offered the following advice to Huck. “Enjoy it,” Shillinglaw said. “You’re only a se- nior in high school once. Take advantage of the opportunities it presents you. Learn from it, and move on to the next ad- venture.” Photo by Codi Pierce

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