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EDUMATICS EDUMATICS ....THE PREMIER SOLUTION FOR LEARNING. Who is EduMatics®? EduMatics® is a global leader in educational excellence. EduMatics® encom- pass a consortium of professional teachers and consul- tants dedicated to providing comprehensive services to schools, school districts, communities, and all learners. With the inclusion of state-of-the-art technology, our program is designed to meet the needs of each student by offering extensive educational support and reinforce- ment. EduMatics® is committed to providing solutions that develop self-confidence and skills to help each student reach their full academic potential. What is the EduMatics® Method? At Edu- Matics® we focus on building the educational concept. In turn, this strengthens the educational foundation, al- lowing students to successfully complete homework, and other tasks independently. What does EduMatics® provide? EduMat- ics® academically coaches students from PreK – 12th grade (all subjects), College Test Prep, Special Needs Students and Adults, College Students, Adults – Ongo- ing Education and Career Coaching, Personal and Pro- fessional Development, and programs for the Elderly. Indeed, every individual can benefit from our programs at EduMatics®. How does our PreK – 12th Grade tutor- ing program work? Unlike most tutoring centers, EduMatics® truly MAKE LEARNING A LIFESTYLE! We firmly believe the EduMatics® Program stands at towering regard. EduMatics® have certified or Bachelor Degreed teachers as tutors only! It is imperative that EduMat- ics® deliver the best teachers in order to provide the best service to our students. Each student has an indi- vidualized curriculum plan. Students are able to work one-on-one with teachers and receive that personalized attention needed for them to excel. We also incorporate technology to provide effective blended learning for our students. EduMatics® provide ongoing workshops and SECRET TO THE SUCCESS OF EDUMATICS ® ® ® ®

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