| Website: www.EdumaticsProgram.com | EVENT Professional Development: How to Obtain Career Promotion EVENT EduMatics SAT/ACT Refresher Workshop-Skill Set/Reinforcement Builder EVENT EduMatics Effective Business Strategies for Small Businesses EVENT Common Core Workshops Tutoring is often an important part of a student’s education. A tutor is someone who generally works one-on-one with a student to provide remedial, enrichment, or other support. Tutors can help students who are working to get into col- lege, assist the beginning reader, help a struggling student understand difficult math concepts, or provide more in- depth instruction for a pupil looking for greater knowledge in a particular subject. The most familiar role of a tutor is one in which the tutor provides remedial assistance. Because a good education is so important, especially in today’s society, many parents hire tutors to help their children catch up or keep up in school jects where they are having difficulties and have fallen behind their peers. Tutors can help a student in one or many subjects depending upon the child’s needs and the tutor’s expertise. A tutor can also benefit a child who is considered gifted. By providing enrichment activities, the tutor can instruct a student who excels in school to look at subjects on a deeper level. Often this is based on the child’s interests and talents. For example, a child who does very well in reading at school may work with a tutor to pursue reading practices beyond what is being taught at the child’s current grade level. The student may work with a tutor to read more complicated books and stories and do a more in-depth analysis of what has been read. Special needs students are also helped by tutors. A tutor can teach someone with special needs learning strategies to help him or her perform better in school and overcome obstacles to learning. Since special needs students often struggle in school, a tutor is a good way to help them keep up with their classmates. Hiring a tutor can be one of the best things a parent can do to help a child succeed in school. UPCOMING EVENTS AT EDUMATICS ® Elementary - High School **Workshop Times are Grade Level Sensitive**And Many More......See our monthly newsletter for additional workshops/seminars. Subscribe to our newsletter at www.edumaticsprogram.com or call 407.656.0661. ®® THE IMPORTANCE OF TUTORING ARE YOU EDUCATIONALLY FIT? 1. How many hours of the day do you read? 2. Do you know the names of at least 5 other countries? Names? 3. Do you know what the Dow closed on yesterday? 4. How many of the top ten companies in the Fortune 500 can you name? 5. Do you thoroughly understand your retirement plan? 6. Which is heavier, a ton of gold or silver? 7. How many months have 30 days? 8. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100? 9. A farmer had 15 sheep, and all but 8 died. How many are left? 10. Find the answer that best completes the analogy: people: democracy: wealthy A. oligarchy B. oligopoly C. plutocracy D. timocracy E. autocracy What is Your EduMatics® Wellness Score? FOR ADULTS ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW Tutors can play a vital role in a learner’s edu- cation. The tutor can provide assistance for one subject or all areas depending on what a pupil needs. Tutors can help anyone from kids just start- ing school to those who need help with college level courses. Hiring a tutor can be one of the best things a parent can do to help a child succeed in school. SIGN UP TODAY...CALL 407.656.0661