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OHASSTA Nov 2014 final

Rapport 2014 President's Message Jan Haskings-Winner Another year has gone by and I look back on the changes that continue to influence our roles as teachers, consultants, teacher educators, student teachers. I just spent the day with my Grade 10 Academic History students at the Archives of Ontario (at York University) while the tragedy in Ottawa unfolded at the War Memorial. We pondered the many unknowns ahead. I spent such a wonderful day with students investigating what are archives (noun vs. verb), how are documents stored, and then digging into inquiry as they examined primary sources and developed possible thesis statements. My students asked so many questions, lunch was shortened to fit it all in – that is what teaching is all about!! Students “doing” History, looking at primary sources considering their thesis based on evidence at Archives of Ontario On the long TTC trip back, we discussed what courses they could take next year, including Law, Equity, History, Social Science, as we noticed the increased security. A day in the life… Dear Sadie: Love, Lives and Remembrance - two different historical perspectives Curriculum changes provide an opportunity for us to reflect on our pedagogy and consider new approaches. We are still awaiting the release of the Canadian and World Studies (11/12) and I think I write this every time I write a report… however hopefully sometime this year, it will be released! When it is, OHASSTA has developed posters to reflect the revised disciplinary thinking for Economics and Law, if you teach those subjects, and we still have posters in English and French for History, Civics/Politics and Social Science. Check out the website for the criteria and contact us if you don’t have your own posters yet. We once again changed locations for our annual conference, this time in Toronto. Our theme this year is Competing Commemorations. There are many events that can be commemorated and/or celebrated: 410 years since Pierre Du Gua de Monts and Samuel Champlain established a colony in Nova Scotia, 230 years since Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant) settled his followers at the Six Nations Reserve, 200 years since the War of 1812 ended, 150 years since Charlottetown Conference and Quebec Conferences that led to Confederation, 100 years since the outbreak of the Great War, 80 years since the Bank of Canada was founded, 60 years since CCF was first elected in 4 RAPPORT FALL 2014
