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OHASSTA Nov 2014 final

Rapport 2014 Le Coin de L'AESHO Yves Durocher Si vous avez suivi les activités de l'Association des enseignantes et des enseignants des sciences humaines de l'Ontario depuis un certain temps vous savez sans doute que l'AESHO entreprend un nouveau virage cet automne. Caroline Pageot, enseignante du Conseil scolaire catholique Providence deviendra la représentante des membres francophones au Conseil d’administration d’OHASSTA. Caroline amène avec un elle un large éventail d’expériences pédagogiques et professionnelles l’ayant mené à un poste de conseillère pédagogique dans son conseil. Caroline participe activement à la rédaction et à la réalisation de ressources électroniques et en édition traditionnelle pour leur utilisation dans les écoles de langue française de partout en province. Ses contacts professionnels du côté des écoles anglaises font en sorte que nos partenaires des cours d’immersion seront eux aussi bien appuyés par le travail que fera Caroline à OHASSTA. De mon côté, j’espère toujours pouvoir compter sur mes collègues d’appuyer l’AESHO et venir souvent visiter le site-web ( pour offrir à l’association des suggestions et des idées qui alimenteront les discussions. Suivez aussi Caroline sur Twitter : @cpageot. L’AESHO se veut une organisation capable de bien représenter les intérêts de ses membres, mais pour se faire, vous avez besoin de faire connaître vos besoins et vos désirs. Cette association vous appartient, mettez-y un peu de vous-même! Yves Academic Analysis Special The Educational Research Unit Making History/Faire l’Histoire of the University of Ottawa has been involved in the environmental scan review of the Canadian and World studies curriculum. As such, we are pleased to producing domain-specific “theory into practice” analysis of the released version based on our analysis of peace education, inclusion, and French-language identity. We are publishing the first two analyses here and will publish the French-language identity review in an upcoming electronic Rapport “Why Not Give Peace a Chance?”: Peace Education and the 2013 Ontario Curriculum for Social Studies, History, Geography and Civics Sharon Cook, History and Social Studies Education, University of Ottawa. Robert Aspeslagh describes Peace education as “condemned to the waiting room of society,” where its proponents “tap at the window looking into education” in the hope of attracting attention. (Aspeslagh, 1996, 392.) This seems to be almost precisely how the 2013 Ontario Curriculum for Social Studies, History, Geography and Civics has addressed peace education. While the guideline is a vastly expanded document over its 2005 version: 184 vs 74 pages, it seems to address almost everything BUT peace education. The new document includes some 23 pages of “considerations for program planning in Canadian and World Studies” including the connections to environmental education, healthy relationships, health and safety matters, career planning and the role of the school library. But peace education is absent in all but passing reference, even given the newly-discovered significance of historical thinking skills, into which framework peace education and its pedagogy fit neatly. Instead, the narrative of the current guidelines remains one of muscular nationalism. Defining Peace Education: Peace education overlaps with, and shares theoretical and practical ground with, other types of “progressive educations”, which can obscure its essential features. It shares common principles with citizenship education. Like multicultural education, peace education views tolerance, respect for difference and appreciation of the rights of others as productive of peace. Within these shared frameworks, peace education has been designed to promote understanding and enactment of non- violence, human rights, social justice, world- mindedness, ecological balance and environmentalism, gender equity, and personal peace. Harris and Morrison (2003)argue that peace education should combat @cpageot - le nouveau visage de l'AESHO 6 RAPPORT FALL 2014
