„Hedwig was the only live show that completely tore me down and re-built me emotionally, and also made me a very different and emotionally drained person when I left the theater“ (Emma, 18) „The show was capti- vating and emotional, and even my brother who didn‘t want to see the show in the first place was in love with hedwig by curtain call“ (Michaela 18) „I saw Darren Criss as Hedwig and it was incredible. Darren’s abilities as a musician is evident from the very first moment. He knows how to work a crowd – and does so splendidly“ (Angela, 35) Shana Lee has seen Hedwig a to- tal of 30 times: Neil Patrick Harris (1), Andrew Rannells (2), Michael C Hall (3), John Cameron Mitchell (13), Darren Criss (11) „The first time I left theatre in shock but the second time I left in tears. I feel like I was too excited that Neil was in front of me to understand the show but Andrew Rannells blew me away and I finally got what Hedwig was trying to say.“ „Hedwig is a show that you should approach with caution. It is a ener- getic love filled show with a lot of spit and even more sex puns.“ (Shana Lee, 17) „Hedwigs performance lea- ves you speechless, stunned, breathless. I was expecting to see Darren Criss playing a role. Instead I saw Hed- wig and only Hedwig, her struggles, her journey, her raw self. I hadn‘t known that a show could touch you this way.“ (Tina, 23)