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THE SOPHOMORE – ePaper 1 – 150

THE SOPHOMorE 52 | TAKE A WALK It might be the simplest thing, but even so- mething as mundane as this is an event in New York. There is so much to see and enjoy that walking around is always preferable to using the public transport. Especially if you like to keep cozy and warm, ’cause the sub- ways are freezing. If the weather is nice, just take a walk and enjoy the busy hustle of the city, take in the sights or simply sit down so- mewhere and people-watch. Grab a pair of comfortable shoes and go! VISIT THE MOMA Admission is free on fridays between 4 pm and 8 pm. It’s gonna be crowded, but it’s worth the struggle to get through to the original Starry Night painting when you snap a great pic for instagram.

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