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THE SOPHOMORE – ePaper 1 – 150

THE SOPHOMorE 60 | GO SEE A BROADWAY PLAY This is it. This is the reason we are trying to get by on a budget, people. Broadway plays aren’t cheap and to be honest, if you want to get a great seat, it’s gonna cost you a limb. Even if you aren’t into musical theater (what???) you WILL enjoy whatever you see. Broadway shows are dazzling, incredibly amazing, everything from the music to the lights will have you feeling like every penny you spend was worth it. Not to mentions that the actors are the best of the best. When they open their mouth to sing, you will not be able to grasp how a sound that wonderful can be produced by a human body that is seemingly not that different from yours, but …okay, I’ll stop. So, broad- way shows are expensive and still you should definitely go and see at least one. HOWEVER there are ways to get a deal and get relatively cheap tickets and still enjoy your view from a great seat. Most shows offer general rush tickets (tickets you will have to get line up 4 hours before box offices open for) and lottery tickets (a kind of tombola where you can enter your name and win up to two tickets when if they draw your name usually about half an hour later. These lotteries take place about two hours before each show in front of the theater). Both of these kinds of tickets are usually bet- ween $ 25–40, some of them are front row. There’s always a limited amount of them, but it’s definitely worth a try. If you don’t wanna go through the hassle of trying to get a good deal, you should budget about $ 80–100 for a nice seat, depending on the show but – whatever! DO IT!

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