REDACTED Page 101 of 190 to their affiliations. Current head of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice, the Constitutional Chamber and the Judicial Commission, Gladys Gutiérrez, previously run for Governor and member of the National Assembly of the Nueva Sparta state as a candidate of the Chavist MVR party.415 In addition, the Presidency, not only has control over the Supreme Tribunal’s decisions but also has a say in the dismissal of temporary judges which constitute more than three fifths of the country’s federal judges. As such the President has been able to directly order and control the implementation of laws and the rule of law throughout the Venezuelan territory both using the formal military system and the informal armed civilian militia under the direct command of the Presidency, as well as the Legislative, Judiciary and Citizen Power (especially, the General Prosecutor’s Office) branches. Figure 8: President’s control over the judiciary [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 415 MATA, J.R. (2013) Lo que no sabías de la nueva presidenta del TSJ. El Mundo. [Online] 7 May. Available from: nueva-presidenta-del-tsj.aspx [Accessed 25 October, 2015] Tempora ry Judges 60% Fixed term judges 40% Composition of the Judiciary + None of the judges were appointed by public competition