REDACTED Page 112 of 190 face using live ammunition before abandoning him and failing to provide him with emergency care.460 He passed away on the pavement in the hands of fellow protestors. As people from the crowd came to assist Da Costa, the pro-government armed militias and the SEBIN officers continued to shoot, as shown by the videos.461 The huge amount of graphic and visual evidence portraying the events demonstrates the existence of a coordinate operation between the SEBIN, the National Police, the National Guard and pro-government armed paramilitaries to repress the protest by surrounding and ambushing the demonstrators, fire at them as well as cleaning the scene of the crime by picking up the bullets after demonstrations.462 The news of the murder of Basil da Costa spread quickly through social networks such as Twitter, causing a profound indignation and leading to a set of riots all across the country.463 In Caracas, many people began to protest before different GoV facilities, 460 MOLINA, T. (2014) Mismo Sebin mató a Dacosta y Montoya; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Preso otro agente del Sebin por dos muertes del 12-F; BOON, L. (2015) La investigación que desarmó la historia oficial sobre el 12F 461 CNN. (2014) Basil Da Costa - Momento de la muerte del estudiante venezolano. CNN. [Online] 14 February. Available from: [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 462 BOON, L. (2015) La investigación que desarmó la historia oficial sobre el 12F; TARRE, M. (2014) El asesinato de Bassil Alejandro Dacosta; INFOBAE. (2014) Video: así mataron al estudiante Bassil Da Costa en Venezuela (videos) 463 EL JOROPO. (2014) Resumen de protestas estudiantiles del 12-02-2014 en varios Estados de Venezuela; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Liberan a 47 detenidos tras protestas en Barquisimeto; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Valencia amaneció amodorrada tras los disturbios nocturnos; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Manifestaciones en Barquisimeto dejan al menos 21 heridos