REDACTED Page 26 of 190 Governor.52 The arrests of at least some of these students was immediately criticised by several Venezuelan NGOs, including Fundeci, Fundepro, Foro Penal Venezolano and Una Ventana a La Libertad for being without foundation.53 For instance, when the incidents took place, Reinaldo Manrique was at a meeting with the Governor’s wife negotiating the ending of the protests.54 The students were kept incommunicado and sent to a prison in another city.55 They have now been conditionally released, but one of them spent 33 days in prison.56 These events further escalated and led to demonstrations throughout Venezuela calling for the students’ release in many cities within the county, 57 and many acts of disproportionate repression were reported, including the indiscriminate use of live ammunition by pro government armed paramilitaries. On Monday February 10th 2014, Leopoldo López, one of the most notorious opposition leaders tried to fly to San Cristóbal and the national airline, owned by the GoV, cancelled the flight after Lopez got on the plane with the help of the passengers.58 52 ARRÁIZ, L.E. (2014) Ascienden a cinco el número de estudiantes detenidos en Táchira. El Universal. [Online] 9 February. Available from: politica/140209/ascienden-a-cinco-el-numero-de-estudiantes-detenidos-en-tachira [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; CNN. (2014) Denuncian detenciones arbitrarias de estudiantes en Venezuela. CNN Espaniol. [Online] 10 February. Available from: de-venezuela-detienen-a-estudiantes-mientras-continuan-las-manifestaciones/ [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 53 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Organizaciones condenan que el Gobierno criminalice protesta de estudiantes. El Universal. [Online] 9 February. Available from: politica/140209/organizaciones-condenan-que-el-gobierno-criminalice-protesta-de-estudi [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; SEGOVIA, S. (2014) Defensores de DD HH condenan arresto de estudiantes de Táchira. El Tiempo. [Online] 10 February. Available from: tachira/125493 [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 54 PROVEA. (2014) Venezuela 2014: Protestas y Derechos Humanos. pp. 14-15 55 PROVEA. (2014) Venezuela 2014: Protestas y Derechos Humanos. pp. 14-15 56 EL NACIONAL. (2014) Hermanos Manrique se encontraron con sus padres. El Nacional. [Online] 15 February. Available from [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; Also see: DELGADO, E. (2014) Rodriguez Torres confirma liberación de líder de JAVU. El Nacional. [Online] 12 March. Available from: http://www.el- [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; Also see: DELGADO, E. (2014) Universitarios del Táchira rechazaron declaraciones de ministro Rodríguez Torres. El Nacional. [Online] 13 March. Available from: http://www.el- [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 57 CNN. (2014) Manifestantes en Táchira: ¿Estudiantes o “fascistas"? 58 DE ROSA, A. (2014) Cancelan vuelo de Conviasa para evitar que Leopoldo López viaje al Táchira. El Universal. [Online] 10 Febrero. Available from: politica/140210/cancelan-vuelo-de-conviasa-para-evitar-que-leopoldo-Lopez-viaje-al-tac [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Así secaron a Leopoldo López del avión de Conviasa. Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 10 February. Available from: Lopez-del-avion-de-.aspx [Accessed 22 October, 2015]