REDACTED Page 173 of 190 her comments on twitter about Robert Serra757, a young deputy related with the “colectivos”758 who was stabbed to death on October 1, 2014.759 On November 20, the court ordered her release from the SEBIN facility in which she was detained, but the SEBIN refused to release her.760 Six days later, the same court ordered a deprivation of liberty measure,761 which was considered by the family, lawyers and NGO as disproportionate measure in light of the crime762 and the violations to the due process.763 She was ridiculed by Diosdado Cabello on his TV show “Con el Mazo Dando.”764 iii) Persecution against businessmen The persecution against businessmen began during Hugo Chávez’s government and it 757 GLOBALVOICES. (2014) Venezuela: Usuarios de Twitter detenidos tras asesinato de diputado socialista; EL VENEZOLANO. (2014) ¿Quién mató al Diputado Robert Serra? El hombre fuerte de los colectivos chavistas 758 EL NUEVO HERALD. (2014) Serra era el hombre fuerte de los colectivos chavistas. El Nuevo Herald. [Online] 2 October. Available from: latina/venezuela-es/article2488378.html [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 759 NEDERR, S. (2015) Opinar por Twitter se convirtió en delito. El Nacional. [Online] 15 Febrero. Available from: delito_0_574742635.html [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 760 VENEZUELA AWARENESS. (2014) 25N Sebin no ha acatado orden de liberación inmediata de twittera Inesita Terrible. Venezuela Awareness. [Online] 25 November. Available from: twittera-inesita-terrible/ [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 761 MADARIAGA, S. (2014) Tribunal que había otorgado libertad a tuitera contra Maduro, ahora le dicta orden de captura. Ahora Vision. [Online] 28 November. Available from: orden-de-captura/ [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; LA VERDAD. (2014) Publican orden de libertad a tuitera zuliana. La Verdad. [Online] 23 November. Available from: [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 762Alfredo Romero (Foro Penal) claim that the Proseecutor Office imputed her from other crimes unsuitable to the case, just to arise the punishment and left her in prison. YOYO PRESS. (2014) El caso de “Inesita Terrible” sigue activo: La tuitera se habría arrepentido de lo que escribió (+Detalles). Yoyo Press. [Online] 11 October. Available from: terrible-sigue-activo-la-tuitera-se-habria-arrepentido-de-lo-que-escribio-detalles/ [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 763 MADURADAS. (2014) ¡LA PERSECUCIÓN DEL RÉGIMEN! Familiares de “Inesita Terrible” explican irregularidades del caso. Maduradas. [Online] 24 October. Available from: irregularidades-del-caso/ [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 764 VENEZUELA AWARENESS. (2014) Privativa de libertad para dos nuevos usuarios de twitter 17 October. Venezuela Awareness. [Online] 18 October. Available from: [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; MADURADAS. (2014) ¡EL DEMONIO GOZANDO! Cabello goza por detención de tuiteros que escribieron contra el régimen. Maduradas. [Online] 17 October. Available from: escribieron-contra-el-regimen/ [Accessed 26 October, 2015]