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RED VZLA Urgent Request to the OTP-3

REDACTED Page 76 of 190 These paramilitary corps aiming at defending the Bolivarian Revolution are not controlled by formal military structures but are manned by “citizens who work in public or private institutions.”310 Despite the absence of a formal legal structure of reporting and accountability to the GoV, they are in fact are under the de facto control of the GoV which provide them with the resources to operate and allow them to function with immunity from prosecution. Not only is their training similar to that of the police force,311 they have also been known to use police resources 312 and appear alongside high level police officials in public events.313 The connection of these groups with the state is such that some of the leaders of the Movimiento Tupamaro (one of these paramilitary groups) was named directors of the Metropolitan Police for six months.314 Several senior governmental officials hold close ties to members of the urban colectivos.315 Available from: [Accessed 28 August, 2015]; and TAL CUAL. (2014) Colectivos, el otro Ejército. Tal Cual. [Online] 23 October. Available from: [Accessed 28 August, 2015] 309 WILSON, P. (2014) A Revolution in Green 310 FLEISCHMAN, L. (2013) 311 IACHR. (2009) Democracy and Human Rights in Venezuela. p.205; Furthermore, as an example of the relationship between the Government and this paramilitary groups, the Penitentiary Services Secretary, Iris Valera twitted “we, the colectivos, are the fundamental pillar of the defence of the country.” See: EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Varela: Colectivos son el pilar para la defensa de la patria. El Universal. [Online] 15 February. Available from: politica/140215/varela-colectivos-son-el-pilar-para-la-defensa-de-la-patria [Accessed 28 August, 2015]; also see: EL NACIONAL. (2014) Varela: Colectivos somos pilar fundamental para la defensa de la patria. El Nacional. [Online] 14 February. Available from: Colectivos-fundamental-defensa-Patria_0_355764657.html [Accessed 28 August, 2015] 312 IACHR. (2009) Democracy and Human Rights in Venezuela. p.205; Furthermore, as an example of the relationship between the Government and this paramilitary groups, the Penitentiary Services Secretary, Iris Valera twitted “we, the colectivos, are the fundamental pillar of the defence of the country.” See: EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Varela: Colectivos son el pilar para la defensa de la patria; also see: EL NACIONAL. (2014) Varela: Colectivos somos pilar fundamental para la defensa de la patria. 313 IACHR. (2009) Democracy and Human Rights in Venezuela. p.205; Furthermore, as an example of the relationship between the Government and this paramilitary groups, the Penitentiary Services Secretary, Iris Valera twitted “we, the colectivos, are the fundamental pillar of the defence of the country.” See: EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Varela: Colectivos son el pilar para la defensa de la patria; also see: EL NACIONAL. (2014) Varela: Colectivos somos pilar fundamental para la defensa de la patria. 314 IACHR. (2009) Democracy and Human Rights in Venezuela. p.205; Furthermore, as an example of the relationship between the Government and this paramilitary groups, the Penitentiary Services Secretary, Iris Valera twitted “we, the colectivos, are the fundamental pillar of the defence of the country.” See: EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Varela: Colectivos son el pilar para la defensa de la patria; also see: EL NACIONAL. (2014) Varela: Colectivos somos pilar fundamental para la defensa de la patria. 315 The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights astates: “775. Also of extreme concern is information received691 with respect to the activities of violent groups. The information received by the Commission indicates that violent groups known as Movimiento Tupamaro, Colectivo La Piedrita, Colectivo Alexis Vive, Unidad Popular Venezolana, and Grupo Carapaica have been acting with the encouragement and acquiescence of the Venezuelan State. According to what has been reported to this Commission, these groups are urban in nature, have

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