REDACTED Page 12 of 190 Daniel Ceballos and the successor of Scarano as San Diego mayor following his arrest.27 Adán Chávez, Governor of Barinas, member of the PSUV and brother of former President Chávez, threatened the mayors José Luis Machín and Ronald Aguilar by stating that they could end like Scarano and Ceballos.28 On 27 March 2014, Tareck El Aissami, Governor of Aragua and member of the PSUV, accused Delson Guárate, mayor of Iragorry, of perpetrating the crimes of instigation of violence and committing terrorism, conspiracy and murders.29 Secondly, Maduro and members of this inner circle, designed and implemented a nation- wide security plan - called the Homeland Security plan, to prevent, restrict, monitor, punish dissent and cover up the crimes. As from May 2013, Maduro deployed the 37,000 National security forces under his de jure control, including the National Bolivarian Guard, the National Police and the intelligence services, as well as the national police under his de facto control across the Venezuelan territory to implement the GoV’s policy of repression. Given the absence of an armed resistance in Venezuela, those designated as “fascists” were all unarmed civilians showing dissent against the GoV.30 Maduro publicly threatened the perceived dissidents with his a policy of persecution implemented through the militarization of residential neighbourhoods implementing rings spaces around villages with checkpoints held by the Bolivarian Army and the National Guard with the authority to conduct body inspections and verification of papers; constant patrolling rounds within communities “seeking contact with people, processing Venezuela: Maduro amenazó con detener a quienes se movilicen "sin permiso.” Cronista. [Online] 13 February. Available from: Maduro-amenazo-con-detener-a-quienes-se-movilicen-sin-permiso-20140213-0084.html [Accessed 19 October, 2015] 26 LA NACION. (2015) Nicolás Maduro: "Ledezma debe responder a la Justicia por los delitos cometidos contra la paz del país.” La Nación. [Online] 20 February. Available from: delitos-cometidos-contra-la-paz-del-pais [Accessed 19 October, 2015] 27 MADURADAS. (2014) DICTADOR SUELTO! Maduro al próximo alcalde de San Diego: El primer paso en falso va preso. Maduradas. [Online] 23t April. Available from: en-falso-va-preso/ [Accessed 19 October, 2015] 28 LA PATILLA. (2014) Adán Chávez se suma a las amenazas de encarcelamiento a alcaldes opositores. La Patilla. [Online] 21 March. Available from: Chavez-se-suma-a-las-amenazas-de-encarcelamiento-a-alcaldes-opositores/ [Accessed 19 October, 2015] 29 NOTICIAS24. Denuncia ante el MP a Delson Guárate por “actos terroristas”: “Lo espera una celda fría.” Noticias 24. [Online] 27 March. Available from: alcalde-nelson-guarate/ [Accessed 19 October, 2015] 30 VALL, J.A.G. (2014) El mantra fascista de Maduro. Martinoticias. [Online] 27 February. Available from: [Accessed 19 October, 2015]