REDACTED Page 2 of 190 About the authors: The authors are a group of families of Venezuelan victims who are presented by Carlos Vecchio and Juan Carlos Gutiérrez. The allegations in this communication, drafted in collaboration with Joanna Frivet, Francisco José Quintana, Juancarlos Vargas and [REDACTED],1 stem from their first hand experience of the incidents during which their family members, not identified by name for security reasons, have suffered various forms of violence at the hands of the national security forces of the GoV and the pro government armed paramilitaries under the de facto control of the Presidency. Due to the fear of being targeted for further violence, as so many families of victims have already been, these family members have chosen to remain anonymous at this stage but remain available to be interviewed by the Office of the Prosecutor on request. Contact persons: Carlos Vecchio [REDACTED] Juan Carlos Gutierrez [REDACTED] Juancarlos Vargas [REDACTED] 1 [REDACTED] provided valuable research assistance and support.