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RED VZLA Urgent Request to the OTP-3

REDACTED Page 34 of 190 On 17 February, 2014, the Office of Public Prosecutions issued an arrest warrant against opposition leader and Human Rights activist Carlos Vecchio for allegedly planning violent acts that occurred after the demonstrations that raised on February 12, 2014. Vecchio was charged with the crimes of arson, public incitement, damages to property and association to commit crimes. After spending three months hiding, Carlos Vecchio, fled the country and has been since living in the exile. On 22 February, Luis Augusto Matheus Chirinos was detained in Valencia (Carabobo State) by approximately 10 members of the National Guard and was subsequently held incommunicado for two days before being charged with several crimes. On March 22, Matheus was granted conditional liberty, despite his lawyer provided strong evidence demonstrating his innocence.96 Moreover, on 22 March 2014, 18 demonstrators were arrested, including Raúl Baduel, son of the political prisoner and former Commander in Chief of the Army and Defence Minister Raúl Isaías Baduel.97 These individuals have been subject to several due process violations. On the 19 March 2014, the GoV targeted two mayors of two municipalities where the protest were intense: the Mayor of San Cristóbal Daniel Ceballos and the Mayor of San Diego Enzo Scarano.98 They were detained because, according to the GoV, they had planned the protests in their municipalities and were sentenced to prison by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ); which is not the competent court for this trial according to Venezuelan laws.99 96 HRW. (2014) Punished for Protesting: Rights Violations in Venezuela’s Streets, Detention Centers, and Justice System 97 98 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Daniel Ceballos fue detenido en Caracas. El Universal. [Online] 19 March. Available from: venezuela/140319/daniel-ceballos-fue-detenido-en-caracas [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; INFORME21. (2014) Así fue como el SEBIN arrestó al alcalde Daniel Ceballos. Informe21 [Online] 20 March. Available from: ceballos-video [Accessed 23 October, 2013] (includes video); ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) TSJ sentencia a 1 año de prisión y cese de funciones a Daniel Caballos. Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 26 March. Available from: de-prision-y-cese-de-funcion.aspx [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; VT. (2014) Sancionado Daniel Ceballos a 12 meses de prisión por permitir obstáculos en vías públicas. Venezolana de Televisión. [Online] 25 March. Available from: sancionado-a-12-meses-de-prision-mas-las-accesorias-de-ley-tuits-8479.html [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 99 REPORTERO24. (2014) REPRESIÓN: Detenido en el Sebin alcalde Enzo Scarano. Reportero24. [Online] 20 March. Available from: sebin-alcalde-enzo-scarano/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; PANORAMA. (2015) Alcalde de San Diego, Enzo Scarano, tras ser detenido: "Lo que sí me han hecho pasar es hambre.” [Online] 8 February. Available from: [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; EL NACIONAL. (2014) Detenidos en el Sebin alcaldes Daniel Ceballos y Enzo Scarano. El Nacional. [Online] 20 March. Available from: http://www.el- [Accessed 23 October, 2015]

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