REDACTED Page 52 of 190 Movement members were subsequently charged by the Office of Public Prosecutions of injuring a military officer in Chacao, Caracas.189 Before they were detained, they had received several threats by phone and Twitter, and they were told that if they continued to protest they would get killed like Tovar.190 Moreover, many cases of persecution against lawyers and NGOs activists have been reported. José Vicente Haro and his colleague Ms. Pierina Camposeo, who provide legal advice to members of the Resistence Movement, students and protestors (including Rodolfo González, “the aviator”) have been threatened several times. 191 On 15 March 2015 each one of them was ambushed and threatened with a gun, at the same time, in different places of the city.192 Haro has been constantly threatened since 2013.193 Several Human Rights activists and lawyers have been victims of prosecution since 2015. Tamara Suju, a member of Foro Penal Venezolano who frequently publishes articles on the situation in Venezuela in several media, was accused by GoV owned media of treason and attempt to destabilize Venezuela. Feeling threatened, she had to leave the 189 LUGO, A. (2015) Policías y colectivos persiguen a miembros del Movimiento Resistencia. 190 LUGO, A. (2015) Policías y colectivos persiguen a miembros del Movimiento Resistencia; LUGO, A. Miembros del Movimiento Resistencia han sido intimidados. El Nacional. [Online] 3 March. Available from: intimidados_0_584341745.html [Accessed 24 October, 2015]; EL NACIONAL VENEZUELA. (2015) Los rostros de la Resisten 191 NOTICIERO GIGITAL. (2015) La Verdad: Amenazan de muerte a José Vicente Haro. Noticiero Digital. [Online] 23 March. Available from: de-muerte-a-abogado-haro-pareciera-que-son-funcionarios-de-seguridad-del-estado/ [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 192 6TO PORDER. (2015) José Haro denuncia supuestas amenazas de muerte (+audio). 6to Poder. [Online] 23 March. Available from: supuestas-amenazas-de-muerte-audio [Accessed 24 October, 2015]; NOTICIAS DE VENEZUELA. (2015) 27Mz Continuan amenazas contra equipo del abogado Jose Vicente Haro. Noticias de Venezuela. [Online] 27 March. Available from: continuan-amenazas-contra-equipo-del-abogado-jose-vicente-haro/ [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 193 DÍAZ, S. (2015) Amenazan de muerte a constitucionalista José Vicente Haro. La Verdad. [Online] 23 March. Available from: constitucionalista-jose-vicente-haro.html [Accessed 24 October, 2015]; 6TO PORDER. (2015) José Haro denuncia supuestas amenazas de muerte (+audio)