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REDACTED Page 47 of 190 Koesling, Gustavo Tarre Briceno, Pedro Mario Burelli and Robert Alonso for the same events. On October 1 2014, Robert Serra, a young congressman close to the pro-government armed paramilitaries, was stabbed to death.163 Members of the GoV publicly accused Alvaro Uribe, Lorent Saleh, Henrique Salas Römer, María Corina Machado, Leopoldo López, Carlos Berrizbeitia of being involved in his death.164 Subsequently, eight Twitter users were arrested for different incidents related to Robert Serra’s murder. Four of them for allegedly publishing twits that predicted Serra’s assassination, another one for allegedly hacking into the accounts of senior PSUV leaders, and the rest for publishing twits following Serra’s death (one of them for publishing pictures of the dead body).165 Their lawyers denounced several due process violations, including irregularities in their detention and disproportional use of force against them.166 On 15 October 2014, Nicolás Maduro appeared on TV to present a video that accused several opposition members of participating in the assassination of Robert Serra, though 163 GLOBALVOICES. (2014) Venezuela: Usuarios de Twitter detenidos tras asesinato de diputado socialista. GlobalVoices. [Online] 23 October. Available from: serra-y-mar.aspx [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; EL VENEZOLANO. (2014) ¿Quién mató al Diputado Robert Serra? El hombre fuerte de los colectivos chavistas. El Venezolano. [Online] 5 October. Available from: colectivos-chavistas/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 164 ANTICH, F.O. (2014) Las mentiras de Maduro. El Columnero. [Online] 27 October. Available from: [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; MADURADAS. (2014) ¡EL JUEGO SUCIO DEL RÉGIMEN! Consignan “pruebas” que vincularían a OPOSICIÓN en caso Serra. Maduradas. [Online] 21 October. Available from: oposicion-en-caso-serra/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; MADURADAS. (2014) ¿HASTA CUÁNDO LA BURLA? Maduro relaciona asesinato de Serra con sinfín de opositores. Maduradas. [Online] 15 October. Available from: asesinato-de-serra-con-sinfin-de-opositores-video/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 165 IACHR. (2015) Annual Report 2014. IACHR. [Online] 12 January. Available from: [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; GLOBAL VOICES. (2014) Venezuela: Usuarios de Twitter detenidos tras asesinos de diputado socialista. Global Voices. [Online] 23 October. Available from: diputado-socialista [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; INFOBAE. (2014) Venezuela: "Hay tuiteros detenidos" por escribir sobre la muerte del diputado Serra. Infobae. [Online] 20 October. Abailable from: muerte-del-diputado-serra [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 166 IPS. (2014) Venezuela: 7 twitteros fueron detenidos por agentes de seguridad del Estado. Instituto Prensa y Sociedad. [Online] 28 October. Available from: detenidos-por-agentes-de-seguridad-del-estado/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; FRANCO, C. (2014) Maduro encarcela a tuiteros por mensajes políticos. Diario Las Americas. [Online] 25 November. Available from: tuiteros-por-mensajes-politicos.html [Accessed 23 October, 2015] On October 12014, Robert Serra, a young congressman close to the pro-government

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