REDACTED Page 46 of 190 On 12 June 2014, General Prosecutor Luisa Ortega Diaz named nine people “as witnesses” and called them to give testimony on their alleged involvement in the plot to assassinate President Maduro. Furthermore, Ortega Díaz issued an arrest warrant against former Governor of Caracas Diego Arria; the former external director of the state-owned oil and natural gas company PDVSA, Pedro Mario Burelli, and the lawyer Ricardo Koesling.159 Pedro Mario Burelli hired a cybersecurity forensics expert in an effort to clear his name. The expert stated on 30 June 2014 that the emails used by the GoV to accuse political opponents and U.S. diplomats of conspiring to assassinate President Nicolás Maduro were not authentic. According to the expert, the GoV fabricated the four e-mails attributed to Burelli.160 On November 28, 2014 the Office of Public Prosecutions officially accused María Corina Machado of being involved in a plan to murder President Nicolás Maduro.161 General Prosecutor Luisa Ortega Diaz announced that Machado would be prosecuted by National Prosecutor Katherine Harrington.162 Prosecutor Harrington was also designated to investigate Henrique Salas Römer, Diego Arria Salicetti, Ricardo Emilio 159 ALONSO, J.F. (2014) Fiscalía pidió a Interpol detener a Arria, Burelli y Koesling. El Universal. [Online] 12 June. Available from: pidio-a-interpol-detener-a-arria-burelli-y-koesling [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; NOTICIA AL DIA. (2014) Solicitan a Interpol captura para Arria, Burelli y Koesling: Citan a Gaby Arellano como testigo en el Sebin. Noticia al Dia. [Online] 11 June. Available from: ordenamos-la-aprehension-de-diego-arria-pedro-burelli-y-ricardo-koesling/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 160 DE CÓRDOBA, J. (2014) Expert Says Emails Used to Accuse Maduro Opponents of Assassination Plot Are Fake. The Wall Street Journal. [Online] 30 June. Available from: plot-are-fake-1404171138 [Accessed 23 October] 161 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Experto califica de "falsos" correos que vinculan a Burelli con magnicidio. El Universal. [Online] 1 July. Available: califica-de-falsos-correos-que-vinculan-a-burelli-con-magnicid [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; NOTITARDE. (2015) “Son falsos correos que vinculan a Burelli con plan magnicida.” Notitarde. [Online] 24 October. Available from: a-burelli-con-plan-magnicida-2189337/2014/07/02/335924/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; LA PATILLE. (2014) Experto asegura que son falsos los correos que vinculan a Burelli con magnicidio. La Patilla. [Online] 1 July. Available from: que-son-falsos-los-correos-que-vinculan-a-burelli-con-magnicidio/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 162 After being sanctioned for alleged Human Rights violations by the US government, then Prosecutor Katherine Harrington was promoted. She is now Vice-Minister of Criminal Investigations, in charge of overseeing criminal investigations. See: WPR. (2015) Venezuela Officials Sanctioned by U.S. Get Promotions. World Politics Review. [Online] 8 April. Available from: promotions# [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; EL UNIVERSAL. (2015) Katherine Harrington designada viceministra de Investigación Penal. El Universal. [Online] 7 April. Available from: de-investigacion-penal [Accessed 23 October, 2015]