REDACTED Page 124 of 190 the motorcycle, took him out and punched him, only before one official512 shot him in the face513 leaving him bleeding on the pavement.514 The GoV denied responsibility for the event with Maduro himself stating that the National Police arrived to the place by coincidence and that they were ambushed and attacked by the demonstrators. Maduro claimed that the death of Kluiverth Roa was a result of a National Police office shooting his rubber bullet shotgun in self-defense.515 In response to Roa’s death, many protests took place along the country starting the same day of his death. The protestors demanded proper investigations and justice.516 In the context of the February protests, at least five students who were participating in different protests across the country went missing. Five bodies of missing students appeared near the protests in which each one of them was participating, and all of them showed signs of torture.517 Certain reports argue that at least some of them were kidnapped by pro-government armed paramilitaries.518 20-year-old Daniel Frías Pinto and 22-year-old Alejandro García were found in Zulia on 17 February, with their hands still tied to their back, suggesting that they had been arrested before their death.519 Jhon Barreto, who was 21 years old, was found in Táchira two days later after he had been missing for nearly two weeks.520 Yasmir Tovar aged 23 and Luis Aranyi García aged 21 were found in Catia, Caracas, on 21 February. All of them were killed in the same way: by being shot in the face.521 512 ARRÁIZ, L.E. (2015) Aseguran que PNB que mató al estudiante se disculpó. El Universal. [Online] 26 February. Available from: que-mato-al-estudiante-se-disculpo [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 513 EL NACIONAL. (2015) Daniel Prado compañero de Kluiverth Roa revela datos sobre la muerte en una entrevista; NOTICIA AL DIA. (2015) Video del asesinato de Kluvierth Roa en Táchira 514 NOTICIA AL DIA. (2015) Video del asesinato de Kluvierth Roa en Táchira 515 YAJURE, J.A. (2015) Las 10 perlas que soltó Maduro tras el asesinato de Kluiberth Roa. Runrun. [Online] 25 February. Available from: solto-maduro-tras-el-asesinato-de-kluiverth-roa.html [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 516 EL NACIONAL. (2015) Universitarios corianos protestan por muerte de Kluivert Roa; MIAMI DIARIO. (2015) Estudiantes venezolanos salen a las calles nuevamente por la muerte de Kluivert Roa; DIARIO REPUBLICA. (2015) Jóvenes protestaron también en la ciudad de Coro por la muerte de Kluivert Roa; CONFIRMADO. (2015) Táchira, el más indignado. Continúan protestas contra el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro 517 RUNRUN. (2015) 10 semejanzas en los 6 asesinatos a jóvenes; SANCHEZ, N. (2015) Uno de los asesinados en Santa Bárbara del Zulia era alumno de la ULA; LEE, B. (2015) Venezuela Shooting Of 14-Year-Old Adds To A String Of Recent Student Deaths; LA PATILLA. (2015) La ola de ajusticiamientos a jóvenes que alarma a Venezuela 518 RUNRUN. (2015) 10 semejanzas en los 6 asesinatos a jóvenes. 519 BOON, L. (2015) El método “pasticho”: Cómo un escándalo tapa a otro en Venezuela. Runrún. [Online] 6 March. Available from: escandalo-tapa-otro-en-venezuela.html [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 520 LEE, B. (2015) Venezuela Shooting Of 14-Year-Old Adds To A String Of Recent Student Deaths 521 LA PATILLA. (2015) La ola de ajusticiamientos a jóvenes que alarma a Venezuela kidnapped by pro-government armed paramilitaries.51820-year-old Daniel Frías Pinto