REDACTED Page 40 of 190 Bolivarian National Police (PNB) who retweeted a message against the GoV was fired and accused of “instigating the perpetration of crimes."130 The National Communication Company of Venezuela (CANTV) a state company which is the main provider of internet services in the country was alleged to have blocked the internet connection in some areas and to have blocked specific webpages.131 Delcy Rodríguez, the Minister of Communication and Information, now the Minister of Foreign Affairs,also declared that the GoV would take actions against international communication media for “media manipulation.” 132 One month later, the same Minister requested an investigation against "El Aragueño" newspaper for allegedly spreading violent messages through their crosswords. 133 According to the NGO “Espacio Público”, between the 12th and 16 of February 2014, 21 journalists suffered a violation of their freedom of expression during the exercise of their profession, 11 journalists were detained, 17 were assaulted, 2 were threatened, 8 were robbed and one was shot.134 On the 15 March 2014, a Chilean journalist was hit and threatened to be “disappeared” by six members of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB) for recording with a camera the moment when they were arresting a demonstrator who was unconscious because of the punches he had received.135 Secondly, the GoV targeted demonstrations that recorded the repression as will be demonstrated by many cases throughout this document. In Caracas, José Alejandro Márquez was captured because he was filming the repression and was punched until death by GNB members.136 Diosdado Cabello, the President of the National Assembly autorizo-a-la-fanb-a-responder-por-twitter-a-opositores-que-les-insulten-video/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 130 MADURADAS. (2014) ¿OPINAR ES DELITO? Destituyen a PNB por enviar un mensaje en contra del Gobierno. Maduradas. [Online] 16 March. Available from: delito-destituyen-a-pnb-por-enviar-un-mensaje-en-contra-del-gobierno/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 131 GBV. (2015) La Artillería del Pensamiento. Gobierno Bolivariano de Venezolano. [Online] 23 October. Available from: involucrada-falla-twitter/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 132 NOTICIAS24. (2014) Muestran fotos falsas que han sido divulgadas por las redes sociales. Noticias24. [Online] 16 February. Available from: divulgadas-por-las-redes-sociales/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 133 GBV. (2015) La Artillería del Pensamiento 134 “Los Trances de la Libertad de Expresión”. Espacio Público, available on febrero-2014-periodistas-venezuela-informe-espacio-publico 135 ESPACIO PUBLICO. (2014) Espacio Público: violaciones a la libertad de expresión a periodistas entre el 12 y 16 de February. Espacio Publico. [Online] 18 February. Available from: grababa-protestas-video/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 136 MATAMOROS, N. (2014) Falleció José Alejandro Márquez tras varios días en coma; MADURADAS. (2014) INDIGNANTE! Muere José Alejandro Márquez por brutal golpiza de la GNB en La Candelaria; INFOBAE. (2014) Venezuela: lo mataron por grabar la represión de militares