REDACTED Page 126 of 190 Presidency are a regular occurrence. All those who express their disagreement with the GoV’s policies fear for their lives as do those who report the crimes committed. 2.Imprisonment as a crime against humanity Imprisonment involves “the deprivation of liberty of the individual without due process of law, as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population.”528 As previously mentioned, it was in early 2014 that the Venezuelans, concerned by the high rate of crime in the country, one of the highest in the world529 and by some crimes that shocked the population,530 including crimes targeting students531 took to the streets in protest. Between 3,351 and 3,758 people were arrested in the protests since February 2014 according to Amnesty International and Foro Penal respectively.532 According to Amnesty international: “1,402 [people were arrested] about allegations of crimes committed during the protests. Of the 25 people who according to the prosecution still are being detained pending trial, Amnesty International has been able to investigate a 5 and found that they were arbitrarily detained. Three of these five remain prison: one of the opposition leaders, Leopoldo Lopez; the mayor of San Cristobal, Daniel Ceballos; 528 ICTY. Prosecutor v Kordic and Cerkez. Judgment Trial Chamber. 26 February, 2001. para 30 529 BBC. (2014) Los cinco países con más y menos homicidios en el mundo. BBC. [Online] 10 April. Available from: [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 530 Like the murdered of the former actress Monica Spear and her husband and the student Héctor Moreno. See: CURTIS, H.P. and PALACIO, R. (2014) Mónica Spear: UCF grad, former Miss Venezuela killed by armed robbers in Venezuela. Orlando Sentinel. [Online] 7 January. Available from: 20140107_1_miss-venezuela-armed-robbers-late-monday [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; SANCHEZ, N. (2014) Estudiantes de la ULA manifiestan para exigir justicia. EL Universal. [Online] 14 January. Available from: manifiestan-para-exigir-justicia [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 531 PRODAVINCI. (2014) 5 claves para entender las protestas estudiantiles en Venezuela; Also see: EL DIARIO. (2014) Detuvieron a delincuentes intentando robar a estudiantes de la Santa María. El Diario. [Online] 23 January. Available from: intentando-robar-estudiantes-la-santa-maria [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; NOTICIERO VENVISION. (2014) Aprehendidos antisociales que pretendían robar a estudiantes de Universidad Santa María. Noticiero Venvision. [Online] 23 January. Available from: que-pretendian-robar-a-estudiantes-de-universidad-santa-maria [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 532 Please note that while the AI figures relate to the period February 2014 to March 2015, the Foro Penal figures cover the period Ferbuary 2014 to May 2015; AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2015) Venezuela: Balance de derechos humanos tras un año de las protestas; FORO PENAL VENEZOLANO. (2015) Politically motivated detentions, torture, other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and killings (2014-2015)