REDACTED Page 181 of 190 which linked Diosdado Cabello with drug trafficking. Following Cabello’s complaint, a local criminal court issued an order that prohibited 22 media directors to leave the country and ordered them to present before the court.803 The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) condemned the court order.804 IAPA President Gustavo Mohme, editor of the Lima, Peru, newspaper La República, declared that the order to the media executives to not leave the country “demonstrates once more how the Venezuelan judicial system is being used as an instrument of political power. There is no compliance with the guarantees of due process, which imply that the judge should have first interrogated the accused individually to determine whether or not to issue the restriction order in each case.”805 The chairman of the IAPA's Committee on Freedom of the Press and Information, Claudio Paolillo, editor of the Montevideo, Uruguay, weekly Búsqueda, said that the court's action occurs within an overall framework of serious restrictions and attacks on critical and independent media, which “unmasks the climate of authoritarianism that the Nicolás Maduro regime favors.”806 Regarding examples of individual journalist cases, Víctor Ugas was detained on October 13, 2014, in Carúpano, Sucre, for publishing pictures of Robert Serra’s body on Twitter.807 Diosdado Cabello celebrated his detention on his TV show.808 After his 803 ABC. (2015) Prohíben salir de Venezuela a 22 directivos de medios por publicar información de ABC. ABC International. [Online] 16 May. Available from: director-periodico-retenido-venezuela-201505130628.html [Accessed 27 October, 2015]; MEZA, A. (2015) Un tribunal venezolano prohíbe salir del país a 22 directivos de prensa. El Pais. [Online] 13 May. Available from: [Accessed 27 October, 2015]; EL CAMBUR. (2015) Prohíben salir del país a 22 directivos de medios de comunicación. El Cambur. [Online] 13 May. Available from: comunicacion [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 804 SIP. (2015) La SIP condena proceso irregular contra periodistas venezolanos. Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa. [Online] 13 May. Available from: contra-periodistas-venezolanos/ [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 805 IFEX. (2015) Venezuelan judge stops media owners from leaving country. Ifex. [Online] 14 May. Available from: [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 806 IFEX. (2015) Venezuelan judge stops media owners from leaving country 807 INFOBAE. (2015) Tras ocho meses detenido en el Sebin, liberan al tuitero venezolano Víctor Ugas. Infobae América. [Online] 10 July. Available from: ocho-meses-detenido-el-sebin-liberan-al-tuitero-venezolano-victor-ugas [Accessed 27 October, 2015]; EL NACIONAL. (2015) Denuncian que Víctor Ugas sigue retenido en sede del Sebin. El Nacional. [Online] 12 July. Available from: Ugas-retenido-Sebin_0_663533742.html [Accessed 27 October, 2015]; YAJURE, J.A. (2015) Liberan al tuitero Victor Ugas, acusado por publicar foto del cadáver del diputado Robert Serra. Runrun. [Online] 9 July. Available from: publicar-foto-del-cadaver-del-diputado-robert-serra.html [Accessed 27 October, 2015]