REDACTED Page 22 of 190 abducted.40 To this day, the GoV’s campaign of repression is ongoing as Maduro is trying to remain in power as the congressional elections of 2015 are approaching.41 The number of casualties from the GoV’s campaign of attacks against the civilian population is slowly but steadily increasing as the GoV had upped the level of violence it uses against civilians and renewed it attempts at legitimising its policies to prevent, restrict, monitor, punish dissent and cover up the crimes. Comparing figures released by the Office of General Prosecutor and NGOs for different periods it is estimated that around 407 people were detained between December 2014 and May 2015. For instance, on February 19, SEBIN’s officers broke into the office of the Mayor of Caracas, Antonio Ledezma, arbitrarily arrested and illegally detained him without arrest warrant.42 He is a member of the opposition party Alianza Bravo Pueblo and a member of the opposition alliance MUD.43 Maduro stated about this incident on 40 BBC. (2015) Lo que se sabe sobre la muerte de 6 estudiantes en Venezuela. BBC Mundo [Online] 15 February. Available from: [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; LA PATILLA. (2015) Van seis estudiantes muertos durante febrero. La Patilla. [Online] 23 February. Available from: estudiantes-muertos-durante-febrero/ [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; PÉREZ, R.A. Qué pasa en Venezuela? Van 6 jóvenes muertos en 6 días de protestas. Aleteia. [Online] 23th February. Available from: protestas/ [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 41 VÁSQUEZ, A. (2015) El chavismo redobla la represión. El Mundo. [Online] 8 July. Available from: [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; VÁZQUEZ-GER. (2015) Guía para entender las elecciones en Venezuela. El Pais. [Online] 26 August. Available from: [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; INFOBAE. (2015) Venezuela: el chavismo está tercero en una encuesta para las elecciones parlamentarias. Infobae Américana. [Online] 28 July. Available from: elecciones-parlamentarias [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; EL UNIVERSAL. (2015) Oposición venezolana irá unida a elecciones legislativas. El Universal. [Online] 24 July. Available from: elecciones-legislativas [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 42 SABIN, L. (2015) Mayor Antonio Ledezma arrested and dragged out of office 'like a dog' by police in Venezuela. Independent. [Online] 20 February. Available from: out-of-office-like-a-dog-by-police-in-venezuela-10058691.html [Acceessed 22 October, 2015]; BBC. (2009) Fue legal la detención del líder opositor venezolano Antonio Ledezma? BBC Mundo. [Online] 20 February. Available from: [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; HRW. (2015) UNASUR: Condemn Abuses in Venezuela. Human Rights Watch. [Online] 26 February. Available from: condemn-abuses-venezuela [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 43 BBC. (2015) Quién es Antonio Ledezma, el alcalde opositor arrestado por el gobierno de Venezuela. BBC Mundo. [Online] 20 February. Available from: [Accessed 22 October, 2015]