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REDACTED Page 32 of 190 inhuman acts.86 Furthermore, on 3 April 2014, certain pro government armed paramilitaries attacked the campus of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, destroyed installations, publicly undressed a student and attacked a journalist. Instead of intervening to stop the pro government armed paramilitaries, the National Guard repressed a demonstration outside the university.87 Nicolás Maduro, instead of holding the pro-government pro government armed paramilitaries and the National Guard accountable, ordered himself an investigation pointing to “fascist bands” as responsible for the attacks. He also called the Armed Forces to remain alert of “any secession plan” and “coup plan” and asked them to have “one thousand eyes, one thousand ears to detect these plans on time”.88 On 17 March, Rafael Angel Cardozo was detained by members of the Bolivarian National Police in the Táchira State and was punched and beaten in the face with helmets, deprived of sleep and threatened with death.89 Moreover, Gerardo Carrero, a student who was arrested on May 8, 2014 in Caracas, was hit for twelve consecutive hours with tables and he was secluded in a cell located in basement 5 of the headquarters of SEBIN, known as “the tomb”.90 There have also been reports of other crimes being committed such as sexual violence based ones, but these crimes (possibly due to a lack of reporting) do no currently meet the threshold for constituting the commission of crimes against humanity. For example, 86 GUILLÉN, E. (2014) Ataque a alumno de UCV en Aragua fue captado en video. El Universal. [Online] 21 March. Available from: de-ucv-en-aragua-fue-captado-en-video [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; LAPATILLA. (2014) Video perturbador: Colectivos a punto de asesinar un estudiante en Maracay. La Patilla. [Online] 21 March. Available from: asesinar-un-estudiante-en-maracay/ [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 87 Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB); “Que no quede rastro”, at 7. Available at: df EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) CDH-UCAB reportó 331 detenciones, la mayoría víctimas de agresiones. El Universal. [Online] 4 March. Available from: politica/protestas-en-venezuela/140304/cdh-ucab-reporto-331-detenciones-la-mayoria-victimas-de- agresiones-imp [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 88 INFOBAE. (2014) Maduro pone en "alerta preventiva a las FFAA" y pide "mil ojos ante los golpistas.” Infobae América. [Online] 4 April. Available from: maduro-pone-alerta-preventiva-las-ffaa-y-pide-mil-ojos-los-golpistas [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; URGENTE24. (2014) Maduro: "Mil ojos ante los golpistas" y una carta al pueblo de USA. [Online] 4 April. Available from: ante-los-golpistas-y-una-carta-al-pueblo-de-usa [Accessed 22 October, 2015]; NOTICIAS24. (2014) Pide a la Fanb tener “mil ojos y mil oídos” para “neutralizar” planes secesionistas. Noticiac24. [Online] 4 April. Available from: sobre-un-presunto-plan-secesionista-a-venezuela-no-la-va-a-desintegrar-nadie/ [Accessed 22 October, 2015] 89 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2015) Venezuela: the Faces of Impunity. p.34 90 FORO PENAL VENEZOLANO. (2015) Politically motivated detentions, torture, other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and killings. p.11

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