REDACTED Page 88 of 190 international and domestic threats. It is the largest military branch of Venezuela; (ii) The Navy (Fuerzas Navales or Armada Bolivariana) and Marines (Infanteria de Marina) are responsible for the implementation, management and control of naval operations, naval aircraft, and the Coast Guard in support of Navy activities; (iii) The Air Force (Fuerzas Aérea or Aviación Militar) is responsible for the implementation, management and control of military operations required for aerospace defence; (iv) The Bolivarian National Guard of Venezuela (Fuerzas Armadas de Cooperacion or Guardia Nacional (FANB)) which is a military corps with police functions conducting operations required for the maintenance of internal order in the country, cooperating in military operations required to ensure the defence of the Nation, exercise administrative and police activities of Criminal Investigation assigned to it by the laws, and will actively participate in national development in the territory of the nation; (v) The National Bolivarian Militia. The Organic Law of the Bolivarian National Armed Force created a fifth National Army Force, the National Bolivarian Militia (NBM) over which, according to the Constitutional and legal provisions, the President also has authority and control. It is an autonomous and auxiliary force, with is own chain of command. It serves as a reserve force of the Armed Forces, and has specific responsibilities on home defence and security of government facilities. In addition, the Ministry of Interior, Justice & Peace who reports directly to the President is in control of the following internal security forces, which are therefore under the overall control of the Presidency:363 (i) The Corps of Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations (Cuerpo de Investigaciones Científicas, Penales y Criminalística (CICPC)) is Venezuela's largest national police agency, responsible for criminal investigations and forensic services; (ii) The Corps of Bolivarian National Police (Cuerpo de Policía Nacional Bolivariana (CPN)) is Venezuela's national police force. It has general law enforcement attributions, including upholding the Constitution and the Law, intervening to protect people or communities in danger; patrolling in urban, suburban and rural areas; protecting people participating in public concentration or protests; safeguarding and preserving crime scenes; and protecting witnesses and victims of crimes, among many others 364 363 VENEZUELA. Organic Law of Police Service and National Police. Title 1, Chaper IV, Article 17 and 22 [Online] Available from: 3424.pdf [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 364 See: VENEZUELA. Organic Law of Police Service and National Police. Title 1, Chaper IV, Article 34