REDACTED Page 134 of 190 parties’ members and the students, convened protests during February 2014565 He has constantly called for non-violent demonstrations.566 President Maduro claimed that the protests were part of “a planned coup d’état.”567 Over a year before the issuance of López’s arrest warrant, President Maduro had publicly announced: “Leopoldo López has already polished … [his] … cell. It is just a matter of time. That fascist has done a lot of damage to this country. Justice will come sooner or later.”568 On 18 February, López turned himself in to the Guardia Nacional (National Guard).569 570 Following his surrender, the President of the National Assembly himself, Diosdado 565 THE ECONOMIST. (2014) A tale of two prisoners. The Economist. [Online] 22 February. Available from: continues-unabated-tale-two-prisoners [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; EL PAIS. (2014) ¿Quién es Leopoldo López, el hombre que enfrenta a Maduro? El Pais. [Online] 18 February. Available from: [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 566 THE ECONOMIST. (2014) A tale of two prisoners; INFOBAE. (2014) Leopoldo López llamó a marchar y denunció persecución a su partido. Infobae América. [Online] 22 February. Available from: persecucion-su-partido [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; LA CRÚZ, V. (2014) Leopoldo López: La lucha es pacífica pero en la calle. El Universal. [Online] 18 February. Available from: la-calle [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; US NEWS. (2014) Venezuelan Protests Lead to Arrest. US News. [Online] 19 February. Available from: opposition-leaders-arrest [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 567 NEUMAN, W. (2014) Prominent Opposition Leader in Venezuela Is Blamed for Unrest. New York Times. [Online] 13 February. Available from: blamed-for-unrest.html?_r=0 [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Maduro: López y sus "cómplices deben responder por este Golpe de Estado.” El Universal. [Online] 19 February. Available from: venezuela/140219/maduro-Lopez-y-sus-complices-deben-responder-por-este-golpe-de-estado [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 568 EL TIEMPO. (2013) Maduro dice que a opositor López le espera una 'celda pulidita’. El Tiempo. [Online] 18 October. Available from: [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; LA REPUBLICA. (2013) Maduro dice que al opositor Leopoldo López le espera una "celda pulidita.” La Republica. [Online] 17 October. Available from: celda-pulidita [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; See also: VOLUNTAD POPULAR. (2014) Sea Ud. el Juez Parte I. Youtube. [Online] 30 April. Available from: [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 569 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Leopoldo López se entrega a funcionarios de la GNB. El Universal. [Online] 18 February. Available from: Lopez-se-entrega-a-funcionarios-de-la-gnb [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; ARENAS, V. (2014) Fotos y Video| Leopoldo López se entregó a la Guardia Nacional. Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 18 February. Available from: leopoldo-Lopez-se-entrego-a-la-guar.aspx [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 570 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Leopoldo López se entrega a funcionarios de la GG; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Entrega de Leopoldo López; EL PAIS. (2014) Hallado muerto Rodolfo González, prisionero político venezolano (National Guard).569570