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REDACTED Page 119 of 190 Overall, following Carabobo Governor Ameliach order to “counterattack protesters”, two girls died in the state on 19 February. vi)José Alejandro Márquez On 19 February, in Caracas, 45-year old engineer José Alejandro Márquez was killed in the context a protest. Márquez was approached by National Guard officers after he was caught filming the National Guard’s repression of a protest in La Candelaria, Caracas. The officers beat him severely and he died a few hours later.489 The moment in which Márquez was captured was recorded. The video shows how Márquez fell down when he was running away from the National Guard.490 Around one hour later, the officers left him in a hospital, severely hurt with a fracture on the back of the skull.491 Interviewed by CNN, a doctor explained that Márquez could not have died because of the fall.492 Moreover, according to hospital workers, the National Guard officers who left Márquez on the hospital said that Márquez had fallen down because he had run into an old lady,493 which was shown to be false by the video footage. The workers added that Márquez continued to be hit in the hospital by National Guard officers.494 Diosdado Cabello on his TV show “Con el Mazo Dando” accused Mr. Márquez of being “a paramilitary who was training to kill Maduro” and stated that he was killed by his alleged paramilitary partners. Cabello showed pictures of Márquez wearing military gear and firing guns. Eventually it was proved that the pictures were taken from [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 489 MATAMOROS, N. (2014) Falleció José Alejandro Márquez tras varios días en coma; MADURADAS. (2014) INDIGNANTE! Muere José Alejandro Márquez por brutal golpiza de la GNB en La Candelaria; INFOBAE. (2014) Venezuela: lo mataron por grabar la represión de militares 490 VIVAS, V. (2014) Muerte de José Alejandro Márquez en Venezuela 491 BARRIOS, D. (2014) Confirman muerte cerebral de manifestante herido en Candelaria. Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 21 February. Available from: manifestante-herido-e.aspx [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; LA PATILLA. (2014) GNB destrozó cráneo de Alejandro Márquez, pero Jaua dice que fue un “resbalón.” La Patilla. [Online] 26 February. Available from: marquez-pero-jaua-dice-que-fue-un-resbalon/ [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 492 DAZA, P.A. (2014) En Conclusiones investigan la muerte de José Alejandro Márquez en Venezuela. CNN Español. [Online] 28 February. Available from: en-venezuela/ [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 493 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) El patrón de la muerte 494 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) El patrón de la muerte

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