REDACTED Page 187 of 190 in Venezuelan media and founder of Venezuela's Ladies in White (Damas de Blanco) group that brings together the wives, mothers and daughters of Venezuelan political prisoners and spreads information about their cases was charged with treason and attempt to destabilize the country. She left the country and received political asylum in the Czech Republic.833 In June 2014 she was called as a witness by the SEBIN in the “Un Mundo sin Mordaza” case. She considered this as a threat.834 Carlos Luzberti, former president of Amnesty International Venezuela (2007-2013) and current member of the board was shot two times in little more than a year: the first time on January 14, 2014835 and the second one in April 28, 2015 in Plaza Venezuela square, Caracas. Amnesty International expressed serious concern that this second attack could be related with the ascending pattern of threats that human rights activists had been receiving at the beginning of 2015.836 There have also been reports of other crimes being committed such as sexual violence based ones, but these crimes (possibly due to a lack of reporting) do no currently meet the threshold for constituting the commission of crimes against humanity. For example, following a protest in Valencia, Carabobo, on February 13 Juan Manuel Carrasco was tortured and raped using a gun,837 and Gloria Tobon, was beaten and threatened with electric shocks applied to her arms, breasts and genitals by National Guard officers after her arrest on 19 March. IV.Legal threshold for opening a preliminary examination The ICC Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) issued a policy paper on preliminary examinations defining it as a filtering process to review the information available on a given situation and to assesses whether the preconditions to the exercise of jurisdiction under Article 12 and each of the factors set out in Article 53(1)(a)-(c) of the Rome Statute – jurisdiction, admissibility and interest of justice, are met. This process, as the name suggests, is a preliminary assessment and does not guarantee 833 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Tamara Suju recibe asilo político en la República Checa. El Universal. [Online] 25 November. Available from: politica/141125/tamara-suju-recibe-asilo-politico-en-la-republica-checa [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 834 MATUTE, M.A. (2014) Sebin interroga a Tamara Sujú por investigación contra ong. El Impulso. [Online] 13 June. Available from: investigacion-contra-ong [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 835 MOLINA, T. (2014) Gracias a Dios que solo fue un susto y no nos mataron. El Universal. [Online] 14 January. Available from: susto-y-no-nos-mataron [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 836 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2015) Carlos Lusverti herido en Caracas 837 See page: EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Estudiante ratificó denuncia de violación con fusil; Later The National Prosecute Office said that he wasn´t rape. ALBA CIODAD. (2014) Fiscalía determinó que Juan Manuel Carrasco no fue víctima de violación en Carabobo. Alba Ciudad. [Online] 24 February. Available from: de-violacion-en-carabobo/ [Accessed 27 October, 2015]