REDACTED Page 106 of 190 Besides Genésis Carmona, eight demonstrators were injured. After the incidents, Governor Ameliach repeated his call to counterattack the fascists.436 In addition, the UBCh pro-government armed paramilitary group, along with others such as the Revolutionary Carabobo committed to continue to collaborate with the National Guard in defending the territory.437 (7) De facto control of the Presidency over the People Defender and the General Comptroller The Office of the People’s Defender has the crucial role of furthering, defending and overseeing the rights and guarantees established under this Constitution and international treaties on human rights, in addition to defending the legitimate, collective and diffuse interest of the citizens 438 while the Office of the General Comptroller has the role of auditing the public expenses and revenues as well as of monitoring irregularities. 439 While, they are initially designed to be independent, the appointments of their current directors and authorities, the People Defender and the General Comptroller, respectively, has transcended all semblance of separation of powers and resulted in the Executive and in particular the Presidency having control over both organs. This is the case because, similarly to the General Prosecutor, the People Defender Tareck Wiliam Saab and the General Comptroller Manuel Galindo Ballesteros were appointed under the Maduro regime by simple majority, in violation of the Constitutional requirement of a two-third majority.440 venezuela-noticia-230640 [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; see also AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2015) Venezuela: the Faces of Impunity. p.17 435 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2015) Venezuela: the Faces of Impunity. p.17 436 CARABOBO REPORTA. (2014) Gobernador Francisco Ameliach. Youtube. [Online] 24 February. Available from: [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; AURE, P. (2014) Dijo Pablo Aure ante constantes agresiones a carabobeños. Pablo Aure Blogspot. [Online] 27 February. Available from: [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 437 LUGO-GALICIA, H. (2014) Desde Carabobo salieron las órdenes “contra ataque fulminante” y “firme contra violentos.” El Nacional. [Online] 19 February. Available from: http://www.el- [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 438 VENEZUELA. Constitution of Venezuela. Article 280 439 VENEZUELA. Constitution of Venezuela 440 Ender Marcano “Dissenters reject simple majority vote to elect heads of branches of gov't”, El Universal, (December 18, 2014). Available at: politica/141218/dissenters-reject-simple-majority-vote-to-elect-heads-of-branches-of-g; necesaria; constitucion-y-elige-puestos-clave.html