REDACTED Page 122 of 190 government armed and security forces, the intelligence services and the pro-government armed paramilitaries.504 Jesús Orlando Labrador was killed by a gun shot in PSUV-governed Mérida, when officers of the GNB, along with officers of the local police and hooded civilians (most probably paramilitaries) jointly decided to open fire against local residents.505 Argenis Hernández was killed in a protest in San Diego by a GNB officer who shot a pellet gun at his face.506 Bus driver Wilfredo Rey was killed in Táchira by unidentified civilians (most probably pro-government paramilitaries) who openly fired at people in the context of a joint- operation by the GNB and pro government armed parailitaries which involved shooting pellet guns and launching tear gas at civilians to deter people from leaving their houses.507 Starting in June, the protests started to decrease gradually, both in number and intensity, until the end of the year.508 ix)Other cases of murder since January 2015 In January 2015, the protests resumed and so did the violent repression against protestors. Although it was initially designed to last for 6 months, the Homeland Security Plan has now been in force across the Venezuelan territory for over 2 years. The plan has allowed the Executive to use the National Armed Forces, the National Security Forces, the National Intelligence Services and the different state-level security forces to repress protests since February 2014. These forces have continuously acted jointly with different pro-government armed paramilitaries. As presented above the new policy of the GoV implemented since 27 January 2015 which allows the use of lethal force along with firearms in public demonstrations509 only 504 BBC. (2014) 'Two killed' in latest Venezuela protests; RODRÍGUEZ, M. (2014) Muere joven herido durante protestas en San Diego; AP. (2014) 3 more deaths in Venezuela as both sides march; ORE, D. and ELLSWORTH, B. (2014) Venezuela death toll rises to 34 as troops and protesters clash; ULTIMA HORA. (2014) Se reporta otra muerte en medio de las protestas en Venezuela 505 MARTI NOTICIAS. (2014) Un muerto en Mérida tras arremetida de GNB y colectivos. Marti Noticias. [Online] 23 March. Available from: merida-tras-arremetida-de-gnb-y-colectivos/33281.html [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 506 RODRÍGUEZ, M. (2014) Muere joven herido durante protestas en San Diego 507 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) Muere trabajador del volante en Táchira tras recibir disparo en la cabeza. El Universal. [Online] 22 March. Available from: politica/protestas-en-venezuela/140322/muere-trabajador-del-volante-en-tachira-tras-recibir-disparo- en-la-cab [Accessed 25 October, 2015]