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REDACTED Page 44 of 190 Sin Mordaza” and “Humano y Libre” and charged its members with conspiracy and association to commit crimes. Rodrigo Diamanti, a student leader who has been nominated as a Global Shaper by the World Economic Forum, was among the accused. Moreover, “Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones (OVP)” Director, Humberto Prado, denounced that his NGO was a victim of defamation, harassment and threats from GoV agents. Minister Miguel Rodríguez Torres explained on TV that the proceedings in the NGOs premises obeyed to the fact that their members were suspected of conspiring against the GoV. Furthermore, he argued that some of them were responsible for the organisation of the protests and the violence, along with other well-known individuals. He specifically named the following persons as perpetrators, without providing any evidence: Álvaro Uribe (former President of Colombia), Juan Requesens, Gaby Arellano, David Smolansky, Leopoldo López, Lilian Tintori, Diego Arria, Antonio Ledezma, Pablo Medina, Robert Alonso, Eligio Cedeño, Henrique Salas Römer, María Corina Machado, Delsa Solórzano, Humberto Prado, Gustavo Tovar Arroyo, Vicente Fox, Roderick Navarro, Yon Goicoechea, Jim Chard, Lorent Saleh, José Antonio Colina, Roger Noriega, Julio Rivas, Jorge Aurelio Noguera Cotes, Freddy Curupe, Robin Meyer, Pedro Burelli, Pedro Enrique Paraqueimo Hernández and Iván Ballesteros.153 He designated all these persons as criminals and fascists. The GoV thus continued its strategy of accusing any political dissident as a conspirator without providing any kind of proof. On 8 May 2014, 243 students were detained while they were peacefully occupying some public space in Caracas in protest.154 Minister Rodríguez Torres claimed that he had 153 INFORME21. (2014) Lista de supuestos conspiradores presentada por Rodríguez Torres. Informe21. [Online] 2 May. Available from: denuncia-presunta-conspiracion-contra-el-pais [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; MADURADAS. (2014) ¡SIN PRUEBAS! Rodriguez Torres acusó a Salas Romer, Javú, Uribe, Tintori y la Colonia Tovar. Maduradas. [Online] 2 May. Available from: acuso-a-salas-romer-javu-uribe-tintori-y-la-colonia-tovar/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; EL NACIONAL. (2014) Rodríguez Torres: Departamento de Estado está detrás de planes conspirativos contra el Gobierno. El Nacional. [Online] 2 May. Available from: http://www.el- [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 154 CLARIN. (2014) Arrestan a 243 estudiantes en Caracas acusados de “terroristas.” Clarin. [Online] 8 May. Available from: terroristas_0_1135086554.html [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; PERÚ21. (2014) Venezuela: 243 estudiantes detenidos en campamento por militares. Perú21. [Online] 8 May. Available from: 2182343 [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; LA NACION. (2014) Venezuela: desmantelaron campamentos de protesta y detuvieron a 243 opositores. La Nación. [Online] 8 May. Available from: detuvieron-a-250-opositores [Accessed October 23 October, 2014]; EL MUNDO. (2014) Rodríguez Torres: Hay 243 detenidos por desalojos a campamentos. El Mundo. [Online] 8 May. Available from:

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