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REDACTED Page 150 of 190 then “they shoved a rifle up my bottom.”655 Carrasco’s mother, Rebecca González de Carrasco, publicly called the General Prosecutor, the People’s Defender, and the President of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice to come to Valencia, Carabobo State to personally check the condition of her son and to investigate the circumstances under which her son was tortured, humiliated and raped by the Bolivarian National Guard while in custody.656 Juan Manuel Carrasco was visited during his detention by staff of the General Prosecutor’s Office, but he did not tell them anything for fear of reprisals, as the visit took place in the presence of members of the National Guard.657 Calling Carrasco’s claims unfounded, Venezuela’s General Prosecutor, Luisa Ortega Diaz, mocked Carrasco during a televised press conference, holding up a photo of a rifle and asking rhetorically: “Do you think that a person who has been violated, who had a rifle inserted in his anus, could sit down to make a declaration at his hearing?” According to Ortega Diaz,, medical reports did not corroborate Carrasco’s story.658 Juan Manuel Carrasco denied Luisa Ortega Diaz´s statement answering her with details about the tortures that he received and inviting to review the forensic reports of his case. 659 Carrasco reported this to the same court where he was presented after his detention along with 10 other young people who had been beaten in different ways, including Jorge Luis León who had his skull fractured.660 To date there have been no charges filed or detainees, despite the fact that the National Guards who were involved in said acts have been identified in the respective police reports. In the case of Juan Manuel Carrasco, state officials have denied his assault despite there being medical examinations 655 GUPTA, G. (2014) Venezuela government faces brutality accusations over unrest. Reuters. [Online] 26 February. Available from: allegations-idUSBREA1P1AF20140226 [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 656 BEECH, M. (2014) A Mother Whose Son is Tortured in Venezuela Pleads for Justice. Youtube. [Online] 22 February. Available from: [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 657 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2014) Venezuela: Human Rights at Risk Amid Protests. p.10 658 MORENO, J.T. (2014) Luisa Ortega Díaz: En Venezuela no hubo ninguna manifestación ni protesta pacífica; Also see: HENDERSON, V.L. (2014) Human Rights Watch Alert: All-Star Cast Doing Dirty Work for Venezuelan Regime? 659 CARABOBO REPORTA. (2014) Juan Manuel Carrasco responds to Luisa Ortega Diaz. Youtube. [Online] 25 February. Available from: [Accessed 26 October, 2015] In the video is possible to listen Carrasco responding to the General Prosecutor and stating that the CICPC has forensic reports signed by at least two Physicians showing aggressions agains 660 FORO PENAL VENEZOLANO. (2015) Politically motivated detentions, torture, other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, and killings (2014-2015)

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