REDACTED Page 111 of 190 members of the PNB remained still inside their vehicles. 458 The screenshot of the video below shows the police vehicles parked on the left of the picture to give way to the members of the pro government paramilitary groups on motorcycles who confront crowds by shooting at them indiscriminately until the streets are cleared. The clashes resulted in dozens of detentions and injuries. In La Candelaria, Caracas, Bassil Da Costa was among the crowd when a bullet allegedly fired by José Ramón Perdomo Camacho, a member of the SEBIN, reached his head and killed him.459 The SEBIN officers deployed by SEBIN director himself, Manuel Gregorio Bernal Martínez, and under the de jure control of the President opened fire against the protestors and shot 23-year-old student Bassil Da Costa in the 458 BALLADARES, R. (2014) Policías ciegan vida de Basil da costa. Youtube. [Online] 12 February. [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 459 MOLINA, T. (2014) Mismo Sebin mató a Dacosta y Montoya; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Preso otro agente del Sebin por dos muertes del 12-F; BOON, L. (2015) La investigación que desarmó la historia oficial sobre el 12F