REDACTED Page 113 of 190 which generated a clash between them and the police and ended in the burning of some cars and damages to the GoV’s buildings.464 (ii) Robert Redman Still on 12 February 2014, a few hours after Da Costa’s death, certain riots took place in Caracas. Student Robert Redman was killed by a shot in the face by two persons alleged to be members of the pro government armed paramilitaries acting under the de facto control of the President who were dressed as civilians and were riding a motorcycle while patrolling the protests in Chacao.465 He died immediately from his wounds, on Arturo Uslar Pietri Boulevard, San Ignacio Ave., Chacao, Caracas, Miranda State. Redman was participating in the same protest as Da Costa when he was shot. After Da Costa’s death, Redman went to his house to upload pictures of the protest. His father last saw him taking his camera and going to protest around 7 pm.466 464 ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Destrozos en la Fiscalía tras muerte de estudiante en la marcha opositora; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) 3 muertos y 28 heridos tras hechos violentos del 12-F; AVN. (2014) Grupos violentos asedian sede de Venezolana de Televisión 465 PARDO, D. (2014) ¿Quiénes son las víctimas de las protestas en Venezuela? BBC. [Online] 14 February. Available from: [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; EL NACIONAL. (2014) Opinion Roberto José Redman Orozco. El Nacional. [Online] Available from: Redman_0_385161551.html [Accessed 25 October, 2015]; EL COMERCIAL. (2014) Venezuela: Joven que ayudó a herido fue asesinado en la noche. El Comercio. [Online] 13 February. Available from: noticia-1709388 [Accessed 25 October, 2015] 466 EL UNIVERSAL. (2014) El patrón de la muerte