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REDACTED Page 158 of 190 ended without any result. 692 Paramilitary group Movimiento Revolucionario Tupamaro’s leader José Pinto was among the GoV designated spokesmen. 693 xii) Xavier Beckles In the meanwhile, the protests and demonstrations all around the country continued to take place and so did the violent and disproportionate repression. On 30 April, a civilian with Asperger syndrome, Xavier Beckles, was arrested and beaten.694 xiii)Rodolfo González In this context, Maduro announced on TV that several individuals had been arrested charged with participating in a major conspiracy against the GoV. Rodolfo González, nicknamed “El Aviador” (“The Aviator”) was described by Maduro as being “one of the brains behind the armed insurrection in Venezuela”.695 Maduro stated that González had weapons and money, and that he had hired snipers and planned several barricades around the country, especially in Altamira. Then Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace Miguel Rodríguez Torrez elaborated on the details of the plan on TV and accused González of being a “logistic operator” of the barricades and protests. Rodríguez Torres stated that González was working with several other individuals, including then mayor of Caracas Antonio Ledezma, Floirán Barrios, Darío Ramínez, Pablo Medina, Mirta Fernández, Rosmith Mantilla, Ana Karina García, Iván Carratú Molina (former Deputy Admiral of the Navy), Iván Ballesteros (a journalist, later summarily fired from his radio program following an order of CONATEL), Victor Ruiz, Lilian Tintori (Leopoldo López’s wife) and several students leaders, including Juan Requesens and Gaby Arellano, among others. The GoV could never present strong evidence against González. González was a 64- year-old private pilot who, along with his wife, supported the students that protested in 692 MADURADAS. (2014) ¡HASTA AHORA MONÓLOGO! Inicia “diálogo” nacional con largo y aburrido discurso de Maduro 693 MADURADAS. (2014) ¡ASÍ DE ABSURDO! Líder Tupamaro propuso “Premio Nobel de la Paz” a Nicolás Maduro 694 FV. (2014) Comunicado Oficial sobre agresiones a Xavier Beckles. Fundación Asperger de Venezuela. [Online] Available from: agresiones.html [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; CARDONA, L. (2014) Denuncian que estudiante autista fue torturado. El Nacional. [Online] 7 May. Available from: http://www.el- [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; EL COMERCIAL. (2014) Venezuela: Liberan a joven con Asperger detenido en protestas. El Comercial. [Online] 7 May. Available from: 1727892 [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 695 GLOBOVISION. (2014) Capturan a El Aviador, presunto "cerebro de las guarimbas.”; EL PROPRIO. (2014) Capturan a “el aviador” supuesto cerebro de las guaridas venezolanas

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