REDACTED Page 177 of 190 On February 2, 2015, the CEO of Día a Día Practimercados782 Manuel Andrés Morales was arrested by SEBIN when leaving GoV’s Miraflores Palace where he had met with Carlos Osorio, Vice President of Security and Sovereignty of Foods.783 He was arrested along with Luis Rodríguez, President of National Association of Supermarkets and Self- services (ANSA) who spent one night in prison.784 Morales’ arrest followed a GoV inspection the previous day, in which stocks of goods were allegedly found. 785 Four days later, Morales was charged by the National Prosecutor Israel Paredes with boycott and causing instability to the national economy.786 The court kept him on pre- trial detention. On February 3, 2015, Diosdado Cabello announced the “temporary occupation" of Día a Día’s “storage, production and sales, in order to protect the Venezuelan”. Days later, Maduro himself stated that PDVAL (GoV’s chain of food) would take control of the business.787 “Día a Día” argued that they hadn’t committed any crimes, that they had only one deposit to supply all their stores and therefore the products founds did not constitute any kind of accumulation of goods aimed at boycotting the GoV or destabilizing the economy.788 782 “Día a Día Practimercados” is a supermarke food chain who has 35 stores in lower class zones. See: 783 NOTICIAS24. (2015) Sebin detuvo a un directivo de la cadena Día a Día y al Presidente de Ansa. Noticias24. [Online] 2 February. Available from: a-dia-y-al-presidente-de-ansa/ [Accessed 27 October, 2015]; MORENO, J.T. (2015) Presidente de Día Día: Lo que nos interesa es que se siga llevando el alimento a los sectores populares. El Nacional. [Online] 7 February. Available from: Aguerrevere-sectores-populares_0_570543041.html [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 784 NOTICIAS24. (2015) Sebin detuvo a un directivo de la cadena Día a Día y al Presidente de Ansa 785 ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2015) Privan de libertad a director de supermercado Día Día por boicot. Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 6 February. Available from: supermercado-dia-.aspx [Accessed 27 October, 2015]; EL UNIVERSAL. (2015) Cabello anuncia ocupación temporal de la cadena Día a Día. El Universal. [Online] 3 February. Available from: dia-a-dia [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 786 ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2015) Privan de libertad a director de supermercado Día Día por boicot 787 NOTICIERO POPULAR. (2015) Maduro: Pdval asumirá cadena de supermercados Día a Día. Noticiero Popular. [Online] 19 February. Available from: asumira-cadena-de-supermercados-dia-dia/ [Accessed 27 October, 2015] The measure was published in Official Journal 40.603 of February 19, 2015; See: ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2015) Pdval administrará temporalmente supermercados Día Día. Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 19 February. Available from: temporalmente-supermercados-dia.aspx [Accessed 27 October, 2015] 788 PANORAMA.COM.VE. (2015) Comunicado de cadena de supermercados Día a Día: No hemos incurrido en boicot. [Online] 9 February. Available from: [Accessed 27 October, 2015]