REDACTED Page 51 of 190 pro-government armed paramilitaries.181 20-year-old Daniel Frías Pinto and 22-year- old Alejandro García were found in Zulia on 17 February, with their hands still tied to their back, suggesting that they had been arrested before their death.182 Jhon Barreto, who was 21 years old was found in Táchira two days later.183 Yasmir Tovar (23) and Luis Aranyi García (21) were found in Catia, Caracas, on 21 February. All of them were killed in the same way: by a shot in their face.184 Both Yasmir Tovar and Luis Aranyi Fabián were part of the Resistence Movement -a protest group formed after Leopoldo López’s detention-185 and used to regularly participate in opposition demonstrations, mainly in Altamira square.186 As they lived in the “23 de Enero” slum, a place ruled by pro government armed paramilitaries, they had received many threats to their lives before being killed. 187 The persecution against the Resistence Movement increased after the death of Aranyi García and Tovar. On the 20 and 21 of March 2015, Félix Ortuño, Jeison Guarate, Léwis Pérez, Eucaris Espinoza, Geraldine Molina, Ángel Sucre and William Portillo, members of Resistence Movement (Resistencia Movement) were arrested by persons dressed as civilians, without judicial order, and turned to the National Police.188 Their captors presented false evidence (drugs and weapons) to the Police. The Resistance 181 RUNRUN. (2015) 10 semejanzas en los 6 asesinatos a jóvenes. Runrun. [Online] 26 February. Available from: [Accessed 24 October, 2015]; Also see following footnotes 182 SANCHEZ, N. (2015) Uno de los asesinados en Santa Bárbara del Zulia era alumno de la ULA. El Universal. [Online] 19 February. Available from: los-asesinados-en-santa-barbara-del-zulia-era-alumno-de-la-ula [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 183 LEE, B. (2015) Venezuela Shooting Of 14-Year-Old Adds To A String Of Recent Student Deaths. International Business Times. [Online] 26 February. Available from: shooting-14-year-old-adds-string-recent-student-deaths-1830072 [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 184 LA PATILLA. (2015) La ola de ajusticiamientos a jóvenes que alarma a Venezuela. La Patilla. [Online] 22 February. Available from: ajusticiamientos-a-jovenes-que-alarma-a-venezuela/ [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 185 EL NACIONAL VENEZUELA. (2015) Los rostros de la Resisten. Daily Motion. [Online] 14 April. Available form: [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 186 LUGO, A. (2015) ¿Quiénes eran Yamir Tovar y Luis Fabián? El Nacional. [Online] 3 March. Available from: [Accessed 24 October, 2015]; RÍSQUEZ, R. (2015) El último día de Yamir Tovar en 4 estaciones. Runrun. [Online] 2 March. Available from: en-4-estaciones.html [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 187 RÍSQUEZ, R. (2015) Estudiante de ‘Resistencia’ hallado muerto en Catia había sido amenazado por colectivos del 23 de Enero. Runrun. [Online] 23 February. Available from: amenazado-por-colectivos-del-23-de-enero.html [Accessed 24 October]; RÍSQUEZ, R. (2015) El último día de Yamir Tovar en 4 estaciones 188 LUGO, A. (2015) Policías y colectivos persiguen a miembros del Movimiento Resistencia. El Nacional. [Online] 12 April. Available from: Movimiento-Resistencia_0_608339229.html [Accessed 24 October, 2015]; and EL RAZON. (2015) El fin de semana siete estudiantes fueron arrestados. El Razon. [Online] 23 March. Available from: [Accessed 24 October, 2015] pro-government armed paramilitaries.18120-year-old Daniel Frías Pinto and 22-year-