REDACTED Page 170 of 190 Until now, the only evidence that has been produced against Machado are the e-mails alleged to have been sent by her.745 Nevertheless, President Maduro has personally labelled Machado as an “assassin,” while Cabello, the National Assembly President, has accused her of deleting the emails.746 The General Prosecutor’s Office has also obtained an order to forbid Machado from leaving the country.747 Furthermore, as previously mentioned, on February 19 2015, dozens of members of the SEBIN forcefully entered Mayor Antonio Ledezma’s Caracas office and detained him without showing an arrest warrant. That same day, President Maduro said on national TV that Ledezma would be prosecuted for the crimes he committed “against the peace of the country, security, and the Constitution.”748 On February 20, the Office of General Prosecutor charged Ledezma for his alleged participation in “a conspiracy to organize and execute violent acts against the democratically elected government.” The evidence against him includes a coerced statement from a former military officer accusing him of participating in an attempted coup, his lawyer told the news media.749 745 MARTIZ, V.L. (2014) Los dudosos pilares de la acusación contra María Corina Machado. El Tiempo. [Online] 9 December. Available from: la-acusacion-contra-maria-corina-machado/14941379 [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; ANALÍTICA. (2014) ¿Por qué María Corina? Analítica. [Online] 28 November. Available from: [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 746 ABC. (2014) Maduro llama «asesina» a la dirigente opositora María Corina Machado. ABC International. [Online] 5 June. Available from: llama-asesina-maria-201406041740.html [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; INFOBAE. (2014) Maduro llamó "asesina" a Machado y adelantó que pedirá explicaciones oficiales a EEUU. Ifobae América. [Online] 4 June. Available from: y-adelanto-que-pedira-explicaciones-oficiales-eeuu [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; NOTICIERO DIGITAL. (2014) Diosdado Cabello: María Corina Machado contrató un hacker para borrar la evidencia. Noticiero Digital. [Online] 9 June. Available from: para-borrar-la-evidencia/ [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; ULTIMAS NOTICIAS. (2014) Cabello reitera: Oposición contrató hacker para "un trabajito.” Ultimas Noticias. [Online] 10 June. Available from: hacker-para-un-.aspx [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 747 ALONSO, J.F. (2014) Tribunal dicta prohibición de salida del país a María Corina Machado. El Universal. [Online] 18 June. Available from: politica/140618/tribunal-dicta-prohibicion-de-salida-del-pais-a-maria-corina-machado [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; LA TERCERA. (2014) Venezuela: prohíben salida de país a ex congresista María Corina Machado. La Tercera. [Online] 21 June. Available from: a-ex-congresista-maria-corina-machado.shtml [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 748 HRW. (2015) UNASUR: Condemn Abuses in Venezuela; PANAM POST. (2015) Caracas Mayor’s Arrest Met with Regional Condemnation. Panama Post. [Online] 20 February. Available from: condemnation/ [Accessed 26 October, 2015] 749 TAL CUAL. (2015) El testigo torturado. Tal Cual. [Online] 23 February. Available from: [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; AROCHA, J.P. (2015) Un militar torturado “vendió” a Ledezma. La Verdad. [Online] 22 February. Furthermore, as previously mentioned, on February 192015, dozens of members of the