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RED VZLA Urgent Request to the OTP-3

REDACTED Page 152 of 190 unit, about 150 soldiers, surrounded me while he hit me nine times with his baton while talking to me and while I was still handcuffed.”664 Daniel was then taken to the offices of the National Guard’s Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Squad (Grupo Antiextorsión y Secuestro, GAES), also in Maracaibo. Daniel told Amnesty International, "they put [me] in a cell and ordered me to strip down to my underwear. In the cell, they handcuffed my left hand to a bar attached the wall at about foot height. They said I had to obey two rules: I must not fall asleep, because guards do not sleep and they wanted me to feel like they did, and that I had to keep my feet together, with my right hand touching my ankles, and my navel practically touching my thighs. I had to stay in this doubled-up position all night, otherwise they would come and start hitting me.”665 iv) Marvinia Jiménez A few days after, on 24 February 2014, in Carabobo, Marvinia Jiménez was detained and brutally attacked in Valencia by National Guard officers, who caused her severe injuries. Her contusions were caused by a female officer, who repeatedly hit her in her head with a helmet. The attack was recorded in photographs and video.666 Despite the Prosecutor’s indictment and a court-issued arrest warrant for the perpetrator, the officer has not been apprehended.667 v) Wuaddy Moreno On 27 February 2014, Wuaddy Moreno had gone out with two friends to go to a birthday party. On the way back home, his motorcycle ran out of petrol in La Grita, Táchira State. Fifteen National Guard officers spotted them and pulled up beside them. The officers accused them of participating in the anti-government protests that had taken place. They took Moreno and his two friends to the public square in front of the army headquarters La Grita. The military officers then tortured them to try to get them to admit that they had participated in the protests and used firearms, and to implicate 664 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2015) Venezuela: the Faces of Impunity. pp.28-29 665 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. (2015) Venezuela: the Faces of Impunity. pp.28-29 666 MADURADAS. (2014) ¡LA FOTO QUE RECORRIÓ EL MUNDO! Así quedó Marvinia luego de golpiza de la “Guardia del Pueblo.” Maduradas. [Online] 26 February. Available from: guardia-del-pueblo/ [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; TuKarmaTV. (2014) -video estabilizado- La brutal golpiza a Marvinia Jimenez por 'guardia del pueblo.’ 667 NTN24. (2015) Marvinia Jiménez denuncia en NTN24 la impunidad que hay en Venezuela para los agresores de los ciudadanos disidentes. NTN24. [Online] 6 January. Available from: 36416 [Accessed 26 October, 2015]; LA VERDAD. (2014) La “justicia” se burla de Marvinia Jiménez. La Verdad. [Online] 18 August. Available from: burla-de-marvinia-jimenez.html [Accessed 26 October, 2015]

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