REDACTED Page 49 of 190 crime under the “Fair Prices Law” sanctioned by Maduro in 2014. These businessmen could face between five and twelve years of prison.171 The repression also continued against demonstrators. On 27 January 2015, the Interior and Justice Minister published the 8610 Resolution entitled “Rules about the FANB performance, in the task of public control, social peace, and citizen communal living, in public meetings and demonstrations,” also knows as “Padrino López’s Resolution”172 which allows the use of lethal force along with firearms in public demonstrations.173 Indeed, the only safeguard of the provision to minimize damage is the requirement that firearms be used when it is “unavoidable." However, the resolution does not clearly state the threshold when use of a firearm becomes unavoidable and given the law making peaceful protest illegal, all peaceful protestors are legitimate targets of the security forces controlled by the GoV. This resolution was fiercely objected to among diverse sectors of the country, like politics figures, universities, students, local civil society actors, 174 as well as international media.175 One month later, as the GoV deployed the same units previously accused of committing crimes against the protestors with this new direction authorizing the lethal use of force, on 24 February 2015 the local police severely repressed a protest in San Cristóbal, [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 171 See page xxxxx persecution businessman. ABC. (2015) Crece el número de empresarios venezolanos en detención ilegal. [Online] 24 October. Available from: 201503122119.html [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 172 Padrino López was Minister of Defence 173 GACETA OFICIAL. (2015) Contiene la Resolución No. 008610 del Ministerio de la Defensa. Gaceta Oficial. [Online] 27 January. Available from: Nº-40-589-del-27-01-2015 [Accessed 24 October, 2015] 174 SÁNCHEZ, N. (2015) Estudiantes de la ULA marcharán en contra de la Resolución 8610. El Universal. [Online] 25 March. Available from: politica/150325/estudiantes-de-la-ula-marcharan-en-contra-de-la-resolucion-8610 [Accessed 34 October, 2015]; EL UNIVERSAL. (2015) Marcha de mujeres exige anulación de resolución 8610. El Universal. [Online] 8 March. Available from: politica/150308/marcha-de-mujeres-exige-anulacion-de-resolucion-8610 [Accessed 24 October, 2015]; NH. (2015) Rocío San Miguel: Resolución 8610 es un reconocimiento a violaciones de DDHH en Venezuela. Notihoi. [Online] 29 January. Available from: resolucion-8610-es-un-reconocimiento-violaciones-de-ddhh-en-venezuela/ [Accessed 24 October, 2015]; YOYO PRESS. (2015) En detalle: María Corina Machado convoca a movilización contra resolución 8610. Yoyo Press. [Online] 5 March. Available from: detalle-maria-corina-machado-convoca-a-movilizacion-contra-resolucion-8610/ [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; NOTICIAS UCAB. (2015) Comunicado a propósito de la Resolución N° 8610. Noticias UCAB. [Online] 11 February. Available from: proposito-de-la-resolucion-n-8610.html [Accessed 23 October, 2015]; VENEZUELA AWARENESS. (2015) 26F Solicitan nuevamente al TSJ nulidad de la resolución 8610. Venezuela Awareness. [Online] 26 February. Available from: [Accessed 23 October, 2015] 175